A New Foe

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AN: I know, I said that every three episodes I would write a special chapter but the way I arranged everything is going to be better! Please remember that as I left aside the fanfiction for Teen Titans I will be posting 2 episodes each week soo...

Warning: This has been a really productive week! This is the 6 chapter and I got inspired for some reason... I have written up to the 10th chapter soo yep. Get ready! I will try my best to keep my chapter in the 3000 word mark... so expect long chapters. 

"Hiro are you ok?" HL asked a boy with bags under his eyes, puffy red eyes because of crying himself to sleep. After the fire Hiro was sleeping less, barely ate and ceased to assist SFIT. The memory of his brother running into the fire was alive again in his mind.

All of them were worried but one of them was more. Gogo saw his eyes before starting the mission, if her hunch was right, the sight of her running away trying to help others did the blow.

"Hey! Hiro... I would love to stay with you but we have to go back to the SFIT, if you need anything just contact us! Ok?" Wasabi motioned to his wristwatch while Hiro, who was looking to the ground, silently nodded.

"Bye Hiro!" they all said at the same time but HL gave him a crushing hug "We care for you, and never forget it!" She whispered to his ear. Which made him smile a little but soon the memory came back.

They all left leaving a sad boy alone again in his room.


Aunt Cass was out, getting the supplies for the Café leaving the boy alone.

"Ok, I'm bored; I need to do something else! Hiro wake up! What would Gogo say if you stay here all the time? Could you please stop thinking about her? She is 19 now and you are only 14. STOP TALKING WITH YOURSELF." He encouraged himself, stood up, took a shower and got ready. It was his turn to patrol the city so without hesitation he activated the Robot his brother left him.

Even in death my brother keeps giving me amazing things. He got sad again but quickly shook it off.



"Hi I am Baymax, Hi Hiro!"

"Hi Baymax! Suit up! It's our turn to patrol the city."

Both got to the garage and put on their combat suits.

"Ok Baymax... THRUSTERS!!"

Both were shot through the skies and once they were at a reasonable height Baymax lowered the speed to a steadier pace so Hiro could sit up and take a look around. It was a peaceful landscape, as the sunset grew closer Hiro realized that it was getting too late so he ordered the robot to land on the ground. They could walk to his garage and set up for another day.

Both calmly walked through the city dressed with their armor. All the citizens have learned to respect those who watched over them. Thank you here and there, some people offered him food but he dismissed politely because he wasn't hungry. He received flirting glances from several girls, other ones just yelled at the sight of him. He was flattered but only one girl roamed in his mind day and night which only made him sigh heavily.

"Are you okay Hiro?"

"NO... I mean yes... I... I don't know"

"Scan complete"

"Really? And this time you didn't even ask!" he was furious.

"Your dopamine levels are high and your brain activity has increased. This points that you are in love"

The words from the robot struck him hard

"WHAT? NO! ME? YOU ARE CRAZY! When we get back home I will check your coding, there must be something wro... arghh" The discussion with the robot was distracting him and unconsciously crash landed with a man that was walking towards them.

"Sorry sir... let me... HEY! I know you!" He quickly stood up by the man but something was off "You are Jackson Day right? I remember pulling you out from that fire! How are you holding up?" Hiro was happy that he saved a life.

"Oh it's you!" His voice was deep and raspy because of the damage from the explosion.

"Thanks for saving my life" He took off his glove and stretched his hand towards the boy. Hiro noticed something was wrong. His skin was gray but he never asked anything as it was probably marks from the fire from last week. Hiro also took off his glove and gladly shook hands with Jackson

You are mine now!

Hiro's eyes flashed red for an instant but quickly got back to normal.

"You are welcome sir, always a pleasure to help others."

You are the one that will need help now

"Thank you very much; I have to go now it's getting late."

"Indeed, take care of yourself and have a great evening!" They walked away from each other, Hiro towards his garage but the man had a more mischievous plan

Oh... it will be a good one.

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