Unexpected Loss

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"I'll be right back hun... She, as you can see, can be a little confusing" Hiro said in a joking manner, while Akage just smiled at him while cupping her hand on Hiro's cheek.

"You don't have to tell me twice. Go and talk to her, I'll be waiting for you." Without putting so much thought, he kissed Akage on the cheek and ran for Gogo.

Gogo wait! She heard HL called for her friend, those two were like bread and butter. Akage was left alone in the garage.

Akage just huffed, crossed her arms over her chest and slumped into the couch, mad and dreamy. She never got the opportunity to tell Hiro that it was also her first kiss. She sat there looking at the hologram coming from the computer caressing her cheek, longing for another kiss from the 14 year old boy. Time went by and she was starting to worry.

Where is he? Why does it take so long just to pursue someone and talk?

In fact, it was her own desperation for being separated from the boy she loved, so early into the relationship. Also the fact that she knew that it has only been 10 minutes since the boy ran through the door.

What time is it? She reached for her phone and looked at the screen. 6:30 PM? She was shocked; she literally spent all day with Hiro and started to realize that those few rays of sun were giving the welcome to the moon.

I'll go better to the café area! It should be warmer inside.

Akage put on her sweater and grabbed her backpack and started walking through the corridor. It wasn't long enough for her to hear the incoming voices from the people that was eating or having a good time with their friends. Akage just sighed heavily at the sight of a couple that was sitting in a corner, drinking a coffee and enjoying each other company.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Aunt Cass appeared from behind scaring Akage and calling all the attention of the place.

"Oh... it's you... Aaaaammm Sorry! I'm fine Ms. Hamada! Could you please tell Hiro when he comes back that I left the notes of our work at his desk please?" Akage said while taking the closest seat to the counter.

"Don't worry Akage, I will tell him as soon as he gets back!" Aunt Cass said while taking notes to avoid forgetting the favor.

"By the way..." Akage cleared her throat. "Do you know where Hiro is? It's been a while..." Akage trailed off looking at the front door. The bell rang but the one that was entering the store wasn't Hiro. Akage just lowered her head and stared into the table, wondering where the boy was.

"Don't worry sweetie! I'm sure he is okay and..." Aunt Cass was interrupted by Akage.

"How do you know?" Akage asked with a slight tone of worry. Aunt Cass got the hint but she shrugged it off immediately. At some point she still believed that Hiro was too young to be in a relationship.

"Those two... Hiro and Gogo?" Akage nodded "They are always trying to see how to tease each other, but they are good friends, and I sure know that they care for each other. The same story goes for the others, they are like a family and they will put everything on the line to protect each other. So... don't worry. Instead, why don't you head back home before it gets too late?" Akage fell for the motherly tone coming from the brown haired woman, calming her nerves and relaxing her body.

"Okay..." Akage sighed. "Well then... see you tomorrow Ms. Hamada." Akage waved good bye and reached for the door knob but was stopped by Aunt Cass's voice.

"Sweetie, call me Aunt Cass kay?" Aunt Cass waved good bye too but with a smile that could soothe everyone into a dreamless sleep.

"Bye... Aunt Cass!" Akage answered with an awkward tone on her voice, she got out of the store but far away she heard some words from the woman.

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