Three Shots

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The team dashed forward with a great speed, trying to take to their advantage the fact that Badgal's group was still on the floor recovering from the hit. Hiro was at the front using the microbots to move faster.


"Baymax, Wasa..." Hiro was stopped midsentence by Gogo who approached him as fast as she could.

"Leave whiplash to me!" Gogo said through the communicator.

"No! You are angry and all that energy is directed to her. Your anger will make you sloppy and..." Hiro half turned around his head to look at Gogo but she already darted forward, full speed, towards the still recovering whiplash/.

"...sigh... Be careful... Alright..." Hiro said still going forward to meet their opponents. "Wasabi, Baymax and me will go for brute!" Everybody nodded and Wasabi got closer to the boy. "Honey Lemon and Fred will go for Gunsmith. Please be careful guys..." They all looked forward and got ready for the action. All of them already knew what their bow was, what could happen to them while fulfilling their duty, but they all agreed that if by giving their lives they could save another one it was all worth it.

Brute was the first thug that recovered from the blow but he took so long. He already had Hiro, wasabi and Baymax on to him.

"BAYMAX!" Hiro shouted launching himself to the air with the aid of the microbots. The robot jumped and attached the boy to the magnets on his back. "WINGS!" The wings of the robot got extended and the propellers on his feet ignited shooting both, machine and human, towards the lame excuse of a Hulk. Like a raindrop to a river, Brute received the robot's hit full on the chest, sending the trio towards the wall, but brute was strong. A couple of seconds later, Baymax and Hiro were sent backwards to the other side of the building. Fortunately for Hiro, his microbots softened the fall and landed gracefully on the floor.


Wasabi then rushed forward but Brute jumped to close the distance. Taking better chances, Wasabi sled with the help of the marbled floor and kicked Brute in between his legs.

"That's a low blow!" Brute said getting to his knees.

"In war everything is fair!" Wasabi turned around with a smile and got in a fighting stance.

Wasabi rushed towards the kneeling brute that was giving his back to the teenager. Wasabi jumped, made a half turn on the air, with his two hands and the momentum of the fall, he smashed brute against the floor.


Not so far away, a cloud of pink smoke suddenly appeared, blocking the view that wasabi had of his teammates. He was about to leave Brute and run to help them when suddenly a body in the form of a dragon was shot through the air and landed beside the man in green armor.

"Ouch... That hurt a little!" Fred said recovering from the hit unharmed. This new armors were making wonders for the team.

"Need a hand?" Wasabi said offering a hand to help lift up the comic lover, but their encounter was short lived because brute was starting to recover from the previous hit. Fortunately for Wasabi, Baymax and Hiro were almost there to provide support.

"I have to go!"

"No kiddin!"

"Take care dude..." Fred got into a ready stance and... "Super jump!"


The teenager dressed in a dragon suite shot into the air fist ahead like Thor when he uses his hammer. The teenager landed right behind Gunsmith and with the use of his left spring, he sent the man in blue armor crashing into the corner of the building, breaking some tiles.

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