Chapter 5 - Panic

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                                                                       Aaron’s P.O.V.

     When another teacher came back into the lab I became worried. What happened to Mr. Evan and even more importantly, what happened to Stryke? So, like any worrying friend I asked the teacher.

"Well, it seems like your teacher was injured in a fight with another student, who ended up being taken to the hospital." Mrs. Welder said

     Fear hit me like a bus. The student ended up in the hospital. That's Stryke in the hospital, is he alright? I waited in class tapping my pencil against the table and watched the clock like my life depended on it. A minute left of class, the rate that my pencil hit the table started to increase. Thirty, Twenty-nine,........................................ Four, Three, Two. I ran out the door without looking back. Every step sent a vibration through my body. Every step another breath. Another breath another worrying thought in my head.

     What if he's dying? What if he's dead? I have no clue what happened out there. What if he's calling for me and I'm not there? What if he's crying, what if........ I continued running my breaths becoming heavier and my heart beating so fast it felt like it was about to rip out of my chest. I ran around the corner of the school building to where I could catch the bus and Bumped into someone causing them to fall to the floor.

"Sorry" I said but before they could reply I ran onto the bus barely giving them a glance at me.

     ..... I took a deep breath sitting down on the seat of the front of the bus. Suddenly as if leaping through time my blink became a nap that lasted the entire bus ride to the hospital. I was finally there.

     I left the bus approaching the rusted iron gates of the colonial style building they called the hospital. The dim yellow paint of the building fading, cracking, and peeling off the surface. The faint smell of roses giving the place an eerie feel that caused my mouth to become dry as I swallowed what little saliva was left in my mouth.

     I entered through the large, heavy black doors of the building. The scent of roses turning into a smell of cleaning supplies that basically burning my nostrils. I walked down the hall way that homey feeling still there. As I walked down the hall I looked in every room seeing paled bodies of barely living corpses. It sent a chill thinking that one of these dying corpses could be Stryke. I finally made my way to the nurse's desk and asked where Stryke's room was.

"He's in room 24B."

     Right when I started walking towards it though, she stopped me.

"I'm sorry sir but, are you family?"

"No." I replied knowing what was probably coming next.

"I'm sorry but no one is permitted to visit our patients unless they are family." The nurse looked at me with the most simplistic face.

"But,... we are like family I've known Stryke since we were kids. Please, he's all I care about."

     The nurse looked at me again her green eyes looking cold and stern but something about them saying she had compassion.

"Fine you can go but, if anyone asks you, you are his brother."

     The excitement of being able to see Stryke, the feeling of this complete stranger doing something just to let me see Stryke. It made me more than thankful. When I told her thank you it wasn't enough and I'll be sure to do something for her later but for now, I need to get to Stryke's room.

......... 21A, 23B,...... 24A... Wait where's 24B? It took me a few minutes of walking in circles before I noticed there was a door covered in the shade of a nearby potted plant. I spend a second in front of the door relaxing my nerves and entered. I approached the bed but, something wasn't right. Stryke wasn't there.


Guys, it gets better, I have so many amazing plans for the future of this story :3 I'm so excited for whats coming.... and we didn't even hit any of the major twists yet.

Stay Tuned Because A lot more amazing things are to come and remember, comment, vote if you like it, and fan if you like me; this story, or any of my other stories.

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