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"Well this is just great."

"It's your fault in the first place."

The first angel glared at the second. "Well it's your fault we got caught."

"Yes because breaking someone out of heaven's jail was a good idea in the first place." The second angel rolled his eyes.

They had been exiled from heaven. They were still angels, still had their grace and everything, but they had to live on earth. For as long as God wanted them to. Even know he currently wasn't around.

"We couldn't just leave Ash in there," the first angel said. "All he did was..."

"He did a lot of stuff to get in there," the second said. This one was shuffling it's wings around in it's new vessel, trying to understand the new feeling. "And now we're here. For what he did."

"Like I said, your fault."

"But your idea."

"Are we just going to argue for all of eternity? Well I mean what else is there to do?"

"I don't know, why don't we go take a look at humanity?"

"You're kidding right?"

"No. I'm not. And I'm going to wether you want to or not. So are you coming with me?"

The first angel grumbled at the second but nodded. "Well we can't go out there like this. Not to mention our names. No one would even be able to pronounce them."

"Well then we'll get human names," the second said. "I've always liked the name Samuel."

"Dean," the first angel said. "I'll be Dean."

"Sam and Dean, nice ring to it," the angel now known as Sam said. "And how about Winchester as a surname?"

"Sam and Dean Winchester," Dean said, nodding approvingly. "First good thing since we got down here."


K so this is my new fic, it's currently just an idea but I wrote a prologue for it. It might not get very frequent updates when it first starts out, maybe every few weeks or so. But hopefully I'll actually start it properly soon. Figured I may as well put this out since it was written.

Hunter's Angel (Destiel/Sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now