Chapter ONE

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"You are the shore and I am the waves that somehow always end up coming back to you."



I am a Filipina here at New York. I have been living here for almost ten years now, luckily my mother got married to an American man before I turned sixteen and we migrated here. Though, I still visit my home town every year or whenever I got the opportunity.

My phone rings. It's an overseas call from my grandmother in the Philippines.

"Hello Lola, wazz up?"

"Hello, Yana. When will you visit your old lady?" she said in Filipino accent. It makes me smile. I can imagine that she's pouting on the other line.

"Oh, by the end of next month, probably on my birthday. I want to celebrate it with you." I reply in exaggerated American accent. She laughs.

I miss her so much. I haven't been in the Philippines for almost two years. I am so busy with my work. But I had planned everything for my soon visit to my home town.

"Is it true this time?"

"Yes, Lola. I promise I'll make time for it. Sorry I have to go, I'll call you after work, okay? Take care of yourself. I love you, La."

"I love you too apo, perhaps we can skype, yes?"

"Yes Lola, I promise. bye." she's being techie huh?

I end the call, still smiling. I will really make time for her. Besides, she's not asking for much. Just for my time. It brightens up my day a little.


It's August 17, Fall season is about to hit but the air is still humid. The sun shines brightly above my head. But today is another ordinary Monday. I heave a sigh. I went directly to my office, waving and saying casual Hi's and Hello's to my officemates on my way.

I look around my office, it's on thirty second floor of the Robinson's Advertising, it has floor to ceiling glass walls and modern interior in white walls and black furniture. There is a regular sized black mahogany table in the center, and a swivel chair that looks like an over sized couch with wheels.

I have piles of paper on the left side of the desk that I used as sketch pads. I have a pencil holder as big a basket that can hold two hundred pencils and colored pencils.

My computer is at the other side of the table with wireless key board and mouse. The center of the table is free from everything giving me space at times when I draw.

I started as Advertising Assistant here six years ago to Mrs. Collins, until after a year the Advertising head recognized my talent and promoted me and my promotion went on and on.

Now, I am one of the Advertising head of this company. Almost all of my co-workers are now new, some get married, some changed their line of work, and some get bored. I was just the only one from my batch that decided to stay.

My eyes focused on the white wall where some of my award winning works are hanging. They are all framed in black. Some are photos in important events of the company.

You can see the drastic change in my career in this company, from a lowly assistant to the advertising head. I want to jump with glee; I have all I ever dream of, career, car, house of my own and piles of dollars in my bank account. But there is a massive hole inside this woman. I am alone. I have nobody with me.

"Ma'am, I have news." Grace said as she put down the coffee on my table. Grace is my secretary slash assistant for three years.

"What news?" I asked casually after sipping my coffee. "This is perfect."

"Thanks ma'am, the news is about the turnover of the company to the new CEO. That is two weeks from now."

"Turn over? When did they put the company on the market? Are we in crisis?" I asked shocked. As far as I know, we are doing great. The financial reports states that we are not in crisis. So, why there's a sudden turn over?

"They kept the real reason Ma'am, and they also kept the news to everyone until this early morning before you came."

"Do you know who the new CEO is?"

"No, Mr. Robinson said that we will meet the new CEO after two weeks. And we should treat the new CEO like we treat him." Grace said frowning.

"Why?" I asked.

"I am afraid the new management will replace the employees."

"What did Mr. Robinson said?" I asked again, suddenly nervous.

"He said that is up to the new CEO."

"Oh!" Is all I can say.


After work, I went to mall, trying to calm my nerves. I don't know why I feel nervous about the upcoming turnover of the company I'm working at. I felt some strange emotion deep in me.

Without knowing, I reached the makeup aisle.

This is going to be a great night. I thought to myself.

After half an hour I went out of the makeup section with two paper bags in my hand.

For the first time in my life, I over shopped! I mentally shake my head to myself while I'm on my way to my favorite coffee shop in the corner of the mall.

I sit beside the glass walls, the exit is in my back and the entrance is five tables away from me.

I kept staring at nothing outside fifteen minutes after the waiter served my orders. I casually sip my frap and tear my muffin and pop it in my mouth. It's dark outside now.

After being contented staring at nothing in particular, I pull my phone out of my bag and start to call Liam. Remember my ex-boyfriend in college? Yes, we remained friends. Good friends.

I start to laugh at Liam's horrible pick up lines when silver Audi R8 parked outside.

Nice car! I thought to myself. And a man in gray crisp suit went out from the driver's side with easy grace and confidence. It's dark outside, I can't see his face clearly but the built of that man is really familiar to me, the way he walked.

He can't be..

After a beat the man looked at where I am sitting. He wrinkled his brow and blinks his deep blue eyes. I can see that he's shocked too, his eyes went wide.

He pales, took a deep breath and runs his hand through his copper hair as if contemplating what to do next. He looks so lost.

But then-just like before- he gain himself after a second, and he replace the confused face earlier with a confident man he always was.

"I'll call you again, I have to go." I said to Liam and end the call without waiting for him to respond.

The man outside took long hurried strides to get fast to the door. But before he can reach it, I stood and exit to the other door of the coffee shop. I almost trip with my killer high heels on my way to the parking lot where I left my car.

I open the door with rather shaking hands, I can feel sweat running down my forehead, my heart is beating wildly, and with still shaking hands I tried to shoot the key to its hole, after three attempts I finally start the engine. I drive away from the mall as fast as I can handle.

That man, he still have the nerve to come back!

When I hit home, the adrenaline is starting to subside, I felt my knees go weak and my body start to shake. All the pain, all the memories are rushing in my head.

All these years, I thought I was strong. But no. I guess I am still not.

After calming my nerves, I go inside my quiet house and lie on my bed looking at my ceiling as if it holds answers to all of my questions these past five years.

You're five years too late.

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