Chapter 14

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"Can I wear two piece bikini?" I asked too sweetly to Aiden.

"Yes," he agreed, I want to jump so high. But he added, "..but put something on, what do you call that thing? The one you can use in different styles?" he wrinkled his brow as he took the bottle of sunscreen and put it on the basket he's holding.

"Sarong," I said as I slump my shoulders.

"Yeah, that one."

It's Friday and we are shopping for additional things for our next trip tomorrow. We are going to Long Beach. But hell, I can't wear bikini alone. I sigh.

After our adventure at Hunters, Aiden want to go to the beach now. He just barged into my house earlier and said. "Let's go to Long Beach tomorrow. Come on, let's shop for summer outfits." After thirty minutes we are here at the nearest mall from my house.

"Get all the things you need, Alyana." he said after putting what it looks like a tube of lip shinner.

"Why do you need a lip balm?" I asked then pull out the tube from the basket.

"You will need that, it's summer, I don't want you having dry lips." he walks pass me.

What? He's shopping for me?

He went to the ladies section where bikinis are on display. I follow suit while pouting. "Why are you here? Let's go to men's wear."

"Err, I'd like to see you fitting some of those." he pointed to some bikini two stalls away from us.

"I already have some. Come on, let's look for your trunks."

"Those were old. Come on, chose at least three pairs." he said and sit in the chair near to the fitting room.

"Why would I buy new, if they will be hidden in sarong?" I raise my brow and look questioningly at him.

He's impossible.

"I was just kidding; you can wear anything you like. It is a beach in the first pla.." he can't finish his sentence as I walk faster than lightning on the bikini stands.

After choosing several pairs I went on the dressing room to try it. Aiden walk over to the dressing room with me.

"Let me see it first, okay?" he said and wait outside the door of the cubicle.

Why does he sound so nervous?

I put on the first two pieces. It is aqua blue with shells on its strap for the shoulders; the pair bikini has shells on the string too. I look at my reflection on the six foot mirror inside the dressing room. Looks like I gain back my figure.

Humm, I wonder what he will say.

"Okay, I am ready." and I open the door. Aiden turn around and face me. His eyes are wide and his mouth fall open. My heart starts to beat fast.

He doesn't like it?

"I think you really need that sarong." Oh boy! He move, put his both hands on the frame of the door and block the door way.

"Why? Am I still fat?"

"No, No, No, you're sexy, but.." He sighs.

"But what?" I put my hands on my waist.

"I think, I will kill any man who will look at you at the beach with that bikini." I give him a piercing look.

"Why do you want to go to the beach in the first place?"

"Okay, Okay, I'm sorry. All right, you can wear that." he said and inhales deeply. His eyes are not happy. His lips are set into a grim line.

"You've got all the things you need?" he asked as he pays. He never let me pay even for my bikinis. I don't want to fight this afternoon, and sour my good mood so I just let him.

"Yes, I think so." my phone starts to ring. I took it. It was Liam. Fuck! Aiden look questioningly at me. I mouth 'Liam' to him. His eyes automatically frost. Oh Fuck!

"Alyana, can I visit you tonight?" Liam asked in the other line.

"Can we do a rain check?"

"Okay, what about tomorrow?"

"I'm sorry; I'll be out of town with Aiden for two days, Liam. I'll let you know if I am free."

"Okay, enjoy. Bye." He ended the call after. What the hell was that? I frown at my now silent phone and put it back in my purse.

Aiden is now holding several shopping bags and standing in front of me.

"How's your friend?" he stresses the word 'friend'. He's jealous. I shrug nonchalantly and give him my I-don't-know look. He shakes his head. "Why did he called?"

"He's asking if he can come over to my apartment."


"And, I said he can't. Do I smell some jealousy Mr. Adams?" I look at his eyes, now he is amused.

"I think you are." he smiles from ear to ear.

"You are the craziest man I've ever known." I shake my head. He took my hand and leads me out of the department store.

"Can you sleep in my apartment?" he asked.

"Why?" I wrinkle my brow.

"Err.. So I don't have to fetch you tomorrow... Yeah, right. So we can travel early." looks like he's making an excuse. I am not convinced, but I agreed.

"Okay." I said. His face lit up like Christmas. This will be the first time I will sleep in his apartment. In the country where I am from, women don't sleep around. The only time women are allowed to sleep with a man is after her wedding. But who cares? I am in the City of New York for crying out loud. And we are not doing any crime.

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