Chapter 28

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"There's only one thing left to say, Love's never too late."

--Avril Lavigne


"Where are we going?" I asked Aiden once I open the door. He looks ravishing in casual wear. He's on denim jeans, white button up and black boots. His hair is a still damped from shower. No trace of the arrogant CEO in my office this morning.

Rawr! Woops, I should keep my claws away for tonight.

"Somewhere private." he answered after surveying my attire.

I am wearing a light blue tank top, brown leather jacket-- since its cold outside now--a pair of jeans and brown boots. My usual mall attire. I want to roll my eyes when gave me a satisfied smirk.

I didn't took his offered hand and walked pass him and stop at the passengers seat's door and wait for him to open it for me.

Gorgeous car--like the owner.

Once he opens the door I slide gracefully inside his car. He closes the door beside me and walk to the driver's side. But before he starts the engine he startled me by grabbing my face and he kisses me passionately.

My mouth was open from shock and he took advantage of it. I don't know when or how but I just find myself responding to the kiss once again. How can I resist his charms?

I missed his lips.

He straighten his body and keep a small distance between our faces then stares in my face like it was the first he ever saw me. I feel my cheeks heat up. I did it once again. Tsk tsk.

He let out a sad sigh. It is dark in his car but I can see that his eyes are clouded with emotions, I can never fathom.

"I regretted everything I did, Alyana, if I could just buy a time machine. I will trade in everything I have right now just to bring back the time. But I just can't.. I'm sorry for leaving you and coming back too late." He said in rugged voice. I just stare back at him. His hands are still holding my face.

His words are making way to my guarded heart. I know, anytime soon he can fully bring down my wall.

Am I really ready for vulnerability for the second time?

My neck is starting to hurt from my position but this is the least time I will pay attention to it.

"We can never bring back the time, Aiden. It was all said and done." I stated bitterly.

"Perhaps, we can start all over again.." his voice is mix with pleading.

I just keep my eyes focus on his face, on his eyes. I can see how he really regretted everything. But I want to know why he dropped me like a hot potato five years ago.

Now, he said sorry, and it's all I've been waiting for. I know sorry can't undo the damage but it can do so much to me. I can finally close that chapter in my life.

"Alyana.." he brush his thumb on my bottom lip and I keep all my strength not to squirm. It sends excitement down my spine.

He swallowed and I watched his Adams apple move. "Forgive me.." He said before he dips his head I thought he is about to kiss me but he just puts his face in crook of my neck and he inhales deeply.

I listen for his breathing for a while before I shift body so I can put his face in my palms.

"You've been forgiven since yesterday. Thank you for the flowers earlier." I whisper.

"I know they are the ticket to your heart." I let go of his face before I can do anything stupid. He sits back and rests his read on his seat. I do the same then stare ahead of the car, I hear Aiden exhales deeply. We both fell in silence for a while.

"Where's Claudette?" I asked since I can sense that he is not going to start the engine any sooner.

"She's staying with me; she'll be working with us from now on."

I look at him and I see a proud brother that he is. I want to ask about his father or Claudette's mother buy I stop myself. It's none of my business.

"I know you're wondering why no one knows about her. I didn't know about her either. My mom kept the truth from me." he inhales and close his eyes. "She's just seven-teen when I first met her and she's facing problems bigger than her age."

I nod my head to let him know that I am listening.

"She's a very strong woman, just like you." he looks at me and smiles.

"Everyone has to be strong to cope up, to live this life.." I murmur looking ahead of us once again. He shakes his head and he gave me a sardonic smile.

"I am here to make things right. This time I will never let this go without trying my best."

I bow my head and stare at my hands in my lap.

"Did you break up with Liam?" he asks.

I almost laugh but I stifle it in my throat and it sounds like I choke. He pats my back with serious eyes.

"You didn't.." he said more of a comment to himself.

"I did." I look outside my window, I sense his grin. "But that doesn't mean it's because of you. So don't give me your smirking face. I swear I will cut it off your head." I have to lie. I can't take back what I've said last week. It's not that easy to explain from soup to nuts.

"I like the feisty Alyana, and the sweet Alyana." he smiles down at me. His face is a little brighter than earlier. "Let's go?" he added when I didn't respond to his tease.

"I am getting bored in here actually." I said while rolling my eyes.

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