Chapter THREE

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"A woman's greatest strength is her emotion, but it is also her greatest weakness."



I don't know why this event is giving me cold toes and shaking hands. Maybe I'm a little worried that the new management will replace the old employees, too, just like Grace. But I assured her that if I will ever find another job, I will recommend her with my new boss, which I think made her breathe a little and relief is evident in her pretty face.

The real reason for this turn over is still a top secret. No one has still a clue why Mr. Robinson sold the company when it is on it's peak. No one have seen the new CEO either. Mysterious, eh?

All employees gathered in the function hall of the Robinson's Advertising located at the ground floor. There are several media men taking photos and covering the event.

Almost every tables are occupied in the front so I sit on the table near to the exit door. I have a new found love with exit doors lately. I thought bitterly as I once again remember the man outside the coffee shop.

My mind is in far away land, I didn't even noticed that Mr. Robinson was at the center stage, and his speech was almost done.

He stop and look at the door from my back and said, "Ladies and gentle men, please welcome, Our new CEO Mr. Aiden Adams." Mr. Robinson said like a proud father. I snap my head to the door.

Oh, dear Lord! My heart starts to beat wildly, I hold my breath. Hell no! I can't breathe. I think, I am going to have a coronary right at this moment.

The audience stood up, all turn their heads and start to clap their hands. Cameras are flashing and videos are being rolled on as Aiden walk from the door in a dramatic entrance and went up to the stage.

Women from different department errupted into a louder applause. Some of my officemates almost drool or collapse when they saw Aiden. Some drop their jaw, others giggled like some school girl.

I want to roll my eyes to them, but I can't. I stood there like a statue, I can't take my eyes at him like any other woman inside the hall. What the hell is happening in here?

Mr. Robinson shakes Aiden's hand as he took the center stage with easy grace and confidence. The man spoke power as he focus his cold eyes to the crowd. He's wearing his signature gray suit and silver tie, and deep ocean blue eyes and copper hair.

His eyes remind me of all the things I want to forget.

He scan the crowd once again and when he finally found what he's been looking for, he focus his piercing eyes on me as he start to speak in the microphone. He smiled, but I know better as I saw some spark in those eyes. He has plans, but I can barely read it with this too far distance.

What the fuck! What's running in his mind?

"Thank you for the warm welcome everyone, you may now all take your seat." he start to speak, and look away from me after his first sentence. But I can't pay attention to what he was saying. I just stare at him, I can't even move my eyes away.

After he finished his speech, he gave a panty-combusting smile to the crowd, the kind of smile that didn't reach his eyes. Seems no one took noticed, as all women--once again-- errupted into a chorus giggle. This time I really roll my eyes. Really? Where's professionalism in here?

He still looks the same, he still has this super-man look in his face, the kind of look that can even made you want to broke your own ankles and shout his name for help. Who would have thought that this man was mine. I can't even.

As much as I want to stay, I need to go. I can't stay longer, my eyes are giving me away. I can feel my eyes heating up. I stood up and went outside the function hall and go up to my office.

I grab my bag and went to my car and left the building. After I felt calm, I called Grace to let her know that I am going home because I'm not feeling well.

Did he bought the company because I am working there? No, maybe this is a big coincidence. He didn't do it on purpose, did he? But those glint in his eyes, I can't name it, but I know it had something to do with our past.

Too many questions are running in my mind. Too many memories are flashing and coming back. Too many feelings are stabbing me once again.

I can't go home, I will suffocate myself with too many things. So I went to a bar. This will keep me from thinking. I pull my phone and called Liam.

"Hey gorgeous!" He greets me happily.

"Hey Gorgeous yourself." I said grining. Suddenly forgetting my previous problem. " I'm in a bar, are you free Mr. Always Busy?"

"Now you're talking, which bar?"

"Double Doors."

"I'll be there in twenty."

I ended the call and drink my margarita. Urgh! This is why I don't like drinking.

After 20 minutes, a man slid next to me. His green eyes are smiling but his lips are smirking. He has copper hair and five o'clock shadow on his jaw. Making him look like a bad boy in a nice way. He still looks like a little gentle man though. He's wearing black suit and silver tie. All in all he looks edible. But I don't eat men of course. I am not that type.

"Hey lady, you look even younger than the last time I saw you." He said totally grinning.

"Thank you," I said laughing. "How are you Mr. Playboy?"

"You're calling me diff'rent names in a span of less than an hour." I laugh at his statement. "I am a one-woman-man."

That's true, he is the most loyal person I've ever met.

"I am a one-man-woman." I take another big sip of my margarita.

"Nah, you're just picky."

"I am not picky, I am just enjoying my life right now." I wink at him.

"You are not drinking more than you can handle. I'll bring you home after that. I know you can't take more than two glasses." He said smirking again.

"Aren't you going to drink?" I asked and took another gulp.

"Nah, I need to drive. I am leaving the town tonight."

He's playing the big brother game once again, and I roll my eyes. He laugh hard to that.

After consuming my margarita, we stayed and ordered coffee and we talked about his latest project and my plan to buy a pet.

"He's back." I said softly, I don't even think he can hear me. But he nod his head. "You knew?"

"Saw him at the airport, but of course I didn't talked to him." I can see that he's not happy about it.

He was there, he had witnessed what I went through, and I know from the look in his eyes that he will protect me, and he will do anything to save me from that devil of a man.

For that matter I am glad.

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