Chapter 24: The Present

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"Sometimes, two people have to fall apart, to realize how much they need to fall back together."



I stayed in my house for the rest of the night. I drown myself with thoughts and questions. I almost cry myself to sleep. There is so much pain in my chest, and it's weighing my spirit down.

The next morning I woke up like a mess. There is a light bruise that formed in my right arm. My feet hurt like hell from wearing too high heels and from walking fast when Aiden dragged me out to the parking lot. I can't even dare myself to look at the mirror in the bath room. I feel horrible enough, what more if I would see my face?

I look around my room; my cream wall has four giant pictures framed in pink painted woods. This room had been giving me comfort; it is the only place where I can feel warmth. But not this morning, for the first time since I moved in here, it felt so cold and empty.

I get up, pull the drawer beside my bed and took out some wet wipes. I start to wipe my face, I may look like a nightmare, I slept with my make up on. I put my hair in a tight bun and went out of my room to my kitchen once I feel a little lighter.

I sigh and look around. My house is my comfort zone. I personally decorated this place and make it the way I want it. From paint colors, down to little details. This house has three bedrooms, spacious living area and a kitchen of any woman's dream. The breakfast bar, kitchen walls, cabinets and counter top are all in cream color. All the appliances are in carnation pink.

My living area is in cream and carnation pink too. The drapes are dirty white, the couches, and the carpet are in carnation pink. My walls are cream and all picture frames are in pink. Very feminine. Because the person who lives in here is a woman. This is what I want. I feel at home with these colors. I feel me.

I start my day with a light breakfast. I don't think I can eat anything heavier than granola. As I drive to work, I replay last night's event in my mind. I don't know why I cried. Just like, I don't know why I feel so dull from the moment I open my eyes this morning. Sometimes I can't really control my emotions.

I take a lift and push the button of my floor, but before the elevator doors can close, Aiden stop it and join me inside.


Looking fresh as ever. Mr. Superman took the center space. I move closer to the wall as the lift ascended. Though I keep my posture and confidence.

The silence is almost painful to my ear, but it was broke as my phone starts to ring inside my bag. I took it to answer the call.

"Hello Liam," My voice is cheerful. I saw how Aiden clenched his fist tightly.

"Hey babe, can I take you to lunch?"

"Uh? Err.."

"I need to go back at the site by five. I'm just here to pick up some things. Just want to catch up, ya know." Liam said and I sigh. I haven't told him that Aiden is our new CEO.

"Okay, lunch then."

"See you,"

"Okay, bye." I ended the call. I am about to return my phone in my bag when Aiden spoke.

"Are you still with him?" he asked in voicr laced with anger.

I wrinkle my brow. "With who?"


"Yes, why?" what does he mean by 'with him'? He looks at me for a brief seconds.

"You are going with me," he said and I look confused. Where? "..together with every head in each department in a seminar next week."

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