Chapter 37

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."



It's been three weeks since we get back here at New York, but I still can't contact Liam. I texted him a lot, but I didn't get any reply, and when I tried to call him, his phone is dead.

I wonder if he knows what's happening in my life. Most of all, I wonder if he's fine. I still care for him, because I still think that he's a good man. I haven't told Aiden about this. For sure, he will not like the idea.

It's Saturday, and I am lying lazyly at the couch reading some magazines. As much as I want to get out, it's fucking cold outside, I need to wear two layers of clothes before going out.

I've been feeling lazy these past few days and I always fell asleep in the afternoon in my office. Just like now, I just woke up, but I already want to sleep again.

Claudette sits on the couch next to me, she's in black tight dress with gold belt, making her skin even creamier. She's holding two cup of coffee. She hands me the other one.

"Thanks. You look good today." I tease her. I take the coffee lazily from her.

In my three weeks stay in this house I learnt that Claudette is kind and warm person. She's easy to get along with. She's Aiden's female version.

She smiles at me, showing her perfect set of teeth.

"Thanks sista." she wrinkles her brows.

"Why?" I ask.

"Err, Um, Alyana, I hope you don't mind if I ask you."

"What's that?" The edge on her tone piques my attention.

"Do you have a spare key in your pink house?" she asks reluctantly. My brows furrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Last night, when I went home from work, I saw your living room's lights were open, and your door was ajar."

I bolt upright. I don't have a spare key or anything. My heart rate spikes.

"Why didn't you tell me right away?"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you in front of Aiden, I know that he will over react." she take a sip of her coffee before she continues.

"But I don't think it's a burglar, Alyana. He's got a car."

"He?" I ask horror is in my face.

"Yes, I waited for a few minutes, thinking it was you, but a man get's out from the door. He's wearing a suit. I thought he's your friend. That's why I ignore him. Before I close the front door he was gone."

Oh my God! Who's that man in my house. Could it be?..

"What does he looked like, Claudette?"

"He's tall, and lean. But there's something wrong with him. His clothes were disarray and his hair was messy and unruly. But, to remind you, he's got a car." she added.

"Do you noticed the car's plate number? Or at least the car's model?"

"Sorry, it was too quick, and it was so cold outside, I haven't even had a time to study his face. But it's black four seat car."

I cover my wide open mouth with my hands, as shock sink in me.

"Oh my God, it's Liam." I whisper to myself. "Claudette, do me a favor, don't tell this to Aiden. Keep it as a secret for a while."

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