Chapter 43

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"Alyana, what's happened?" I gently ask her as I put down a glass of milk on the night stand. I wipe her tears. I sit next to her and put her in my arms. She's so soft. So warm. I suddenly get a hard on.

"Tell me." I whisper as I tried to clear my mind. She wraps her arms around me and inhale deeply.

"I just can't believe those text messages from my old iPhone. You send almost a hundred text messages. While I was here completely thinking of the opposite. I'm sorry, Aiden, I'm sorry."

"Hush now, baby." I kiss her hair before I pulled out. "We have a meeting with his doctor tomorrow. You can ask her everything you need to know. I knew some of the stories a bit but she can enlighten us both well."

She nodded and bites her lip.

"Are we going to the clinic?" She asks as she frowns.

"No. The doctor will come here. I don't want you to travel that far."


"Here's your milk." I hand her the glass and she took it. I smile at her. "The new house is nearly finish. We can move there in two weeks."

"Aiden, I want to go back to work next week." she said as she sips on her drink.

I hide my scowl. How can I tell her that I don't want her to go back work? That I want her to stay at home so she'll be out of stress and pressure from work? I don't want her to be at risk. Besides she doesn't need to I can provide her.

"You can take the beauty rest you need for the wedding. You know.. Most women do that."

"I don't. I can take a day leave for that." her eyes went wide as she realizes the worries in mine. "Don't tell me.."

"No, no." I said defensively. "I am not stopping you to do what you like to do. It's your passion. I just.. I am just worried. That's it." I palm her cheeks and stare at her pretty pretty face.

"I want to see you happy." I whisper truthfully. "I was just thinking of your safety. Being at work could be stressful and I don't want that for you."

"Oh, Aiden. My job makes me feel alive. It won't stress me, it's a piece of cake." she smiles at me that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Okay then. The wedding is three weeks away. Are you excited?" I ask to divert the topic. Her eyes immediately lights up. She don't need to tell me. I already have the answer.

"Well, Mrs. A, I am as excited as you are. I'm sorry if I can't take you to honeymoon in France as you wish. It's a long travel and it's not good for you. But I promise to take you there with this little angel with us next year." I smile cheekly at her. I am excited to start our new life together with the blessing from up above and with the ring on our fingers. Silently telling that she's mine, and I'm hers. Only hers. Only mine.

"It's okay to me Mr. Adams as long as you're here with me."

Oh... She's so sweet..


The following day, the good doctor arrived. Her face is sweet and charming she reminds me of someone from the past but I can't clearly pin point it out but I've seen her before. Her long blond hair and green eyes told me that she's familiar.

After I'd read Aiden's text messages five years ago in my old iPhone the urge to know the story behind this mess grew bigger. Liam's condition was still in the dark. I don't have any idea what took him to be like this. Remembering him again brings back the ache in my heart that I always feel for him since that dreadful day. I feel sorry for him. And more than that I want to help him get out of this mess.

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