Chapter SIX

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"There's a look that can melt a woman's heart from across a crowded room that tells other man "She's mine."

-- Graham White


Thank you for saving me, Jack, I owe you one." I smile at him thankfully.

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, then lean down and whisper, "I saw your plastic smile, that's why I came to rescue."

I smile once again. He know me well.

"Let us pretend darling, Mr. Adams almost kill me with his cold eyes. You had a shared past, don't you?"

"He's my ex-boyfriend." I sigh. Jack almost forgot that we are in the dance floor, he almost squeaks.

"Act like a man, Jack, or do you want to shout to the world that you want to have bigger breast than mine?" We erupted into a loud laughter.

"You are a lucky bitch." he wink at me. I just keep my mouth shut. If only you knew. After we finished two songs, Jack leans to my ears once again.

"He's coming, look straight into my eyes like you love me." he whispers.

"Why would I do that?"

"Just do it, lady," he gave me a panty combusting smile when he straightens his body. If he was a real man, I would really marry him, he has good genes to pass to new generations.

But I do as I'm told. After some moment, Aiden is on our side.

"Do you have any plans of returning back my date Mr. Wilson?" Aiden said smiling but I know better from the look in his eyes;
He is just keeping his temper. If he wouldn't let my waist go, Jack can bid farewell to his pretty, pretty face.

"My time is over, Alyana, I'll give you back to your date." Jack said and he let go of me. But before he turn to his heel, he give a soft peck on my lips. And finally turn away.

Don't play games with Mr. Hot Headed, Jack.

Aiden keep his eyes on Jack's retreating back, and when he turn to look at me, he has cold burning deep blue eyes with anger. Oh boy, he is dead mad.

"Your time is over Cinderella," he said in dead cold voice, and he dragged me out of the dance floor and out of the function hall.


Aiden leads me out of the madding crowd to the hotel lobby. Everybody is staring at us, girls are glaring at my hand which was covered and gripped tightly by Aiden's.

Maybe those girls are wondering what this man have seen in me. I am just a plain, ordinary woman, and this man was like he had just been out of glossy magazine. Sexy. Tall. Powerful.

Sorry girls, He's mine. I mean,

I snatched my hand from his grip. He give me a murderous look.

"Don't make a running scene, Alyana." He warned.

The look I gave him can kill ten bulls on the spot. He scowls at me.

"I am warning you, Alyana."

"You have no right to dragged me, I am just starting to enjoy the party!" I hissed through clenched teeth. I have this look that can slave him to death on the spot.

His jaw clenched, his eyes give me a thunderous glare and the he runs his hands through his hair. For sure, he has issues with my gown.

"Fine! If you want to stay, change your dress." he said in commanding tone. Bingo!
"..and you can't dance anybody else other than me." he added in menacing tone. Talking to this man can really be as tiring as running for several days nonstop.

"And who do you think you are?" My voice is deadly cold and quiet, that even Sahara desert can frost. He narrows his eyes.

"Every man is looking at your bare back, change, or you will go home right now!" he said in leveled coldness.

"So? They can look all they want, I don't give a damn!" I snap at him

"And you really love to dance with random men tonight with that dress of yours, Alyana?"

His tone is accusing. Like he wants to tell me that I am going to flirt with every available man in town.

"I can dress less than what I am wearing right now, Mr. Adams, and I can pretty well handle myself."

He took my hands and almost drag me again out of the lobby to the parking lot, without waiting for a valet.

"We're going to your house and you'll change your dress if you want to stay to this fucking party!" He said while still half running- half walking. I tried to snatch my arm, but he just tightens his hold.

"What's the problem with the way I dress?" I said still trying to snatch hand from his tight grip. "Your hurting my arm!" and with that he halt to a stop and look at me.

He finally let my arm go. I touch my wrist where pink-red marks are forming. Fuck! This will going to bruise.

"Problem? What's my problem? Look at yourself Alyana. Look!" He motioned to me and let his hands drop on his thighs while sighing deeply.

After a beat he run both of his hand through his hair once more and when he's done he put his hands on his knee like a runner.

"What do you think you're doing Aiden?" I asked furiously. But I keep my voice low, not wanting to drag more attention.

"I.. I can't.. Fuck this! Just change that dress!" He straighten his body and glare at me. "Every man in that party was looking at you body like they want to eat you alive, Alyana!" He shouted to my face, he lost his temper. "If that doesn't makes you bothered, it bothers me!"

"The hell I care! This is what I want to wear tonight, and you can't dictate me on what I should wear! You're just my boss, Aiden, just my boss." I said the last sentence in monotone.

"You've changed," he commented.

"Pain changes people," I said with cold voice and fiercing eyes, I once again turn my back at him and leave him standing all alone in the parking lot.

Strike two, Alyana, you're just doing great!

I saw so many emotion crossed his face before I turn around. I feel hot liquid oozing from my eyes and blurring my vision. But I walked straight, like any strong dignified woman can do. I surpress all the sobs and any shaking from my shoulders.

I went to my car, open the door, slide inside, still poised like a smart, professional woman. When I start the engine and move away from the parking lot, I finally let go of all the tears and hate and pain. I better be home. I drive home while crying all the way. I don't even know why I'm crying. Maybe I am not used with his cold eyes that is directed for me.

I just really don't know..

Sorry for the short chapter, but it's the way it is.
Hope you're enjoying the story so far. :) flash back of Alyana are going after the next few chapters! Love you guys!

I have Facebook too! Just serch for Michelle Ileto.


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