Chapter 22

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"Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?"

--From the song Big Girls Don't Cry


The next day, I woke up with heavy eyes and throbbing head. I can't even remember what the fuck happened yesterday. The last scene in my head is Liam and I was drinking.

I can't remember where and when I get hurt because I got a big bruise on my right upper arm.

And why Liam is sleeping in the couch in my receiving room with black and blue face.

What the fuck happened?!

I tried to wake Liam up. He groans as I shake his shoulder.

"Liam, wake up! What happened to your face?" I said still shaking him awake. He moves a little, lifting his hands up to his face to touch it. I see his arms are bruised too!

"Your fucking boyfriend hits my face. And then he leave like nothing happened." he said groaning.

Oh God! No!

"Why did he hit you? What did he saw, Liam!" I know something happened when my brain left my human body yesterday. I just can't point it out. My heart is drumming wildly. I need to see Aiden. Did Liam hit him back?

Oh please God, no!

Liam sits up from the couch. His face is swollen; he can barely open his eyes.

"He went here after you passed out. When I open the door and he sees me, he punches my face twice without any word. So I hit his face, too."


"You men! You're both driving me crazy!" I stomp my feet and head to the kitchen to get some ice.

I sit beside Liam and gently touch it on his bruised face.

"Outch!" he complains.

"You deserve this! Tell me the whole story, or you will gain other punch from me, Liam. I will make sure you will say good bye to your pretty face."

"Eww!.. I'm not pretty. Can you please aid me more gently? You're making my bruise worse." he complains once more as I touch the ice not so gentle in his face. I think there's something he can't tell me. Scratch that. He doesn't want to tell me.

"Tell me the whole story!" My temper is melting away.

"I told you. He went here, he asked for you, when I told him that you are sleeping in your room, he punch my face. And then he leaves. And that's it."

He said between wincing and groaning. I shake my head. Aiden was no doubt, once again jealous with Liam. When will he learn not to react like this?

But I am not satisfied with Liam's story. I at least need Aiden's side. I saw broken vase and glasses and some plates we used yesterday in the trash can in the kitchen when I went there to get some ice.

Maybe Liam cleaned my living room before he slept. He cleaned while his face was beaten black and blue. I shake my head.

But then, I remember the reason why I drunk myself yesterday. Aiden is cheating on me with that Claudette woman and yet he has the nerve to this? He has no right to be mad; he's the one who's making elicit affairs with somebody else. I did nothing wrong. From the very start I never cheat on him. Never.

My heart sink. My spirit dies. How can I forget? He's too good for me. Maybe that's why he looks for another woman. Maybe that proposal was made to scare me away. So he can enjoy his woman when I'm gone, because, he knew from the start that I can't marry right now.

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