Chapter 38

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"A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty."

--Author Unknown



"Good afternoon, Grace." I greet my fiancee's assistant as I open her office door.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Adams." she smiles at me.

As the door cracks open, I hear Alyana's laugh echoed in the room. Who's making her laugh? She rarely laugh like that with me.

I put a neutral face on; giving no emotions away as I enter her office. She stops immediately and Jack clears his throat. I look at them, my eyes narrowed at Jack's hand on Alyana's shoulder.

Alyana is sitting at her over sized swivel chair, Jack is at her back. They are both facing Alyana's computer like they are watching or reading something from the net. But when I enter the office the atmosphere obviously changes, it becomes eerie quiet inside.

Jack straightens his body, and takes away his hand from Alyana's shoulder.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Adams." he said. I nod my head.

He turns to Alyana. "Hey baby doll, I forgot my phone at my desk, I will just get it. See you later."

What did he just called Alyana? Baby doll?

He waves good bye to Alyana and my fiancee nods, smilling cutely up at him.

She never does that to me!

"Bye, Jack. See you later." she said as Jack steps out behind her table and starts to walk to the door.Her eyes glowing like it never did before.

I balled my hands into tight clenched fist as anger hits like wave inside of me. I waited until Jack close the door, then I walk closer to where Alyana is sitting. I put my palms on her desk and lean my body forward to her.

She's looking at me with unmistakable love in her eyes, it relaxes me a little. But, I should be mad. I am mad. I don't like her hanging around with any other man aside from me. She's mine. Only mine.

Sometimes this woman really needs a wake up call.

"Why are you here? Is the meeting over?" she asks as she puts her chin on her left hand. Her engagement ring shines, and it reminds me of my purpose of visiting here.

"I am going to announce our engagement next week."

It's been five weeks since we get back here, but we still haven't had announce our up coming marriage. We both are too busy, only Claudette knows about the wedding but she's my sister so she's not counted.

"Okay, everybody is asking about this ring of me anyway." she gets up from her chair and surprise me by grabbing my face before giving me a peck on the lips. It makes me hard all of a sudden.

She saw the surpise in my eyes, I suspect she knows that I am mad, that's why she made something to divert my attention. But I am still mad.

My two heads are mad.

"So those men can keep a tab on you." I said as I cross my arms in my middle.

"What do you mean, Aiden?" suddenly her beautiful expressive eyes narrows at me. It makes me even mad. Well, the other head of mine.

No, no, no. I should not think of her in my bed. This is not the right time for that.

"That man has his arm around you, and you seem to enjoy it. For Pete's sake, Alyana. You are my finacee!"

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