Chapter TWO

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"I am just a little girl from a small town with big dreams."



I almost didn't sleep last night. When sleep hits me it was almost morning. That's why I am in a foul mood when I woke up.

My head is buzzing. Maybe from lack of food, I didn't even have a proper dinner last night. That man was in everywhere I look at, even when I tried to close my eyes.

I glanced at my alarm clock. It's 6:00AM. Maybe I can run for thirty minutes to start my day right.

I made my way in my kitchen and start to make my own breakfast.

I am alone in this house. I don't have maids, because I can do simple household chores and cooking. When there is a serious problem in my kitchen -like broken pipes--that's the only time I will call for help.

My father died when I was a baby. Well, that was what my mom told me.

My mom is in California with her second husband. But right now, she's in Philippines for a month or two-- vacation. She called the other day, informing me that she will extend her vacation if I'll visit too, so the three of us can bond together, me, her and my grandmother.

I envy her for she can spend time with my grandmother. It's 18th of August, exactly a month away before my birthday. I'd already filed a two week leave in September a month ago. I'll leave on the second week to visit and celebrate with my Lola and the rest of my family.

I'll be visiting you soon, La.

The foundation anniversary of the company I am working at is only three weeks away. I am in charge of nothing, but, just thinking about it made me tired. Plus I have four due dates for my projects this week. And oh, the turnover is two weeks away.

After my quick breakfast, I took a shower and put on my yellow and black Nike sportswear that had been sitting in the bottom of my drawer for years now. I am just glad they still fit. Perhaps I didn't gain weight nor lose. I put my rubber shoes on and start to exit my house.

When I open my door, I noticed that there are two delivery trucks in Mr. Smith's drive way, and men are lifting and discharging furniture from the trucks. I also noticed that the house is newly painted. I didn't notice that yesterday.

The old Mr. Smith barely stayed at the house, he stayed at his son's house next town. He will just go here to check if his house was still standing. It's not big news if he decided to sell his house.

I just ignore the predatory look from those men in the delivery truck and start to jog. Creepy.

After thirty minutes I decided to go back. Enough running for today. My legs will tone down again..

Like before.. I though bitterly.

But before anything can ruin my day, I call overseas to catch up with my family. On the first ring, my mother answered.

"Good morning Sweetheart, how are you?" my mom asked.

"Good evening Ma," I smile, we are on the different side of the world. It's Monday morning here and probably almost Tuesday there. "Sorry, I didn't notice the time difference. It slips out of my mind. Why are you still awake?"

"I'm having a little chit chat with your cousins here. They're all married, Alyana." Fuck! Here we go again.
"They all have babies and all that stuff. You know.. I was just thinking maybe you.."

I cut her off. Deep inside, the emptiness is back. The feeling that all the people you know are having their own family, and I am here with nothing.

"Mom, I don't even have a boyfriend, so if you're requesting for a grandchild from me, now is not the right time. For now, enjoy with my cousin's babies, as you wait for mine's."

"Alyana, what about Liam. He's a kind and honest man. And he's been in love with you since college."

"Ma, that is not true. We may have a past but right now we are just friends."

I roll my eyes. This is our topic for almost every time.

"Don't roll your eyes on me, Alyana Marie!" Complete name from a mad mom. I want to laugh.

"Mom, please.. Let me take my time. Can I talk to Lola?"

"For how long? You can't just wait like Sleeping Beauty and then your Prince Charming will come to your door like a delivered pizza; you must go out some time."

I sigh. Really? Why did I even call her?

"Mom, I'm no Sleeping Beauty, be patient. I'm not in a hurry." really Alyana?

Okay, I am in a little hurry.

My mom sighs on the other line. We talked for some few minutes more until she gets tired and retire. My grandmother is already asleep, maybe I should call by lunch time again, that is morning in the Philippines.

After I end the line, I start to get ready for work.

After an hour I open my door and go outside, after making sure it is securely locked, I ride my car. The office is twenty minute ride away from home. I will be early today, but it's fine. I can start with some of my projects for the month.

The rest of my weeks went unbelievably smooth. After seeing that man in the coffee shop, I never had the misfortune again to bump paths with him, and I thank God for that.

My due dates are all finished and approved. I will start another project next week.

My weekends run smoothly. Even the following week, after the accidental meet with that man in the coffee shop.

Why do I always remember that day? It was just too brief. I didn't even heared his voice. So why?

My new neighbor had been in mysterious act for the past two weeks. I haven't even seen a car outside. Maybe he's still not living in Mr. Smith's house.

As the days drag by, the turnover is making everyone in their toes. But we keep our best to act as normal as possible.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day, as the new CEO will claim his place.

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