Chapter TWELVE

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"Don't you think it's better to be extremely happy for a short while, even if you lose it, than to just be okay for the rest of your life?"

-- Audrey Niffengger
from Time Traveler's wife


Aiden watched Alex-one of the sky rider tour staff-putting harness to other tourist closely. It made me wonder why.

"Honey, step on this," Alex said as he is about to bend down on my feet, but Aiden almost grab the harness from Alex.

"Thanks man, I can manage this." he said and throws death glare to Alex. There are really some time that I want to kick Aiden's butt. Today is no exemption. I scowl at Aiden and he scowl back to me. Urgh!

I smile apologetically to Alex, he just shrugs nonchalantly.

Aiden had changed into casual, white V-neck shirt and khaki shorts and rubber shoes. He looks like a male model no matter what he wears.

"Alyana, put your feet on here." Aiden said. I put my hand on his broad shoulder for support and I do as I'm told. Humm, muscles. He slides it up to my thighs and does what he saw Alex did earlier.

After securing my harness, he put his own. He looks down at me with a smug smile in his face.
"Are you sure you want to do this? You can still back out."

"Stop talking and let's do this." I grab his hand and go up in the stage-like flat form where we are about to attached into a cable wire which end was on the other mountain. It was like a zip line, the only difference is the passenger will be in a sitting position and not lying down.

There are two cable wires. I and Aiden can hold hands while we are traveling in the air. My heart is beating wildly. We are now ready to go.

"This is my first time." Aiden said grinning. He grabs my hand and intertwined it together.

"We are ready!" I inform the staffs then they both let go of us and let us slide in the cable together. The cool mountain air is swooshing in both of my ears as we slide down. I can smell trees and grass.

This is wonderful!

The view above is spectacular and being here up in the air with Aiden made this really extraordinary special. I will never forget this moment for all my life.

We are both in awe with the view. While our hands are still together we both shout in unison. It's like we are both thinking the same thing.

After the ride and we have to take off the harness, a man came over to me to help me out, but Aiden once again brush the man off. I once again scowl at him. He is crazy possessive.

"I can't let any other man touch you." he said when he saw my scowl. I just roll my eyes. The man has the nerve to laugh.

"Now where?" I asked after we get back from the sky rider tour.

"Let's go up for a while, I need to check some e-mails." he said checking his phone. My face falls. "We will go out after a while."

"Can I look around?"

"No, you will come with me." he shakes his head no.

"I don't have e-mails to check." I said frowning.

"Alyana," he said in warning tone.

"I just want to look around." I said like a brat. He looks at me from head to toe and once again shake his head. I pout.

"Men are ogling at you. So you get a big No. Come." I stomp my feet and tail behind him.

When we are inside the room, I went directly to the bathroom without saying a word and take a shower. For sure Mr. Hard Working will be with his laptop for an hour.

When I was finished I put on the white bathrobe that was hanging on the back of the door. I put the white towel-still provided by the hotel- on my head and twist it with my long hair.

I went inside the room and I find Aiden still working on his laptop; sitting on the couch. He looks up at me.

"I am almost done here, let's have dinner?" Aiden ask. I didn't reply.

I just walk over and sit on the corner of the bed and remove the towel over my head and start to towel dry my hair.

Where's my fucking suitcase. I have nothing beneath this robe.

"Hey, don't be mad."

"Stop acting like a father to me, Aiden." Suddenly I get mad.

"You are not aware, don't you? Men can't keep their eyes off you. How can I let you go alone?" he shut his laptop and stand up from the couch. He walk over to me. I ignore him and continue to dry my hair in a more forced way.

"Look at me." he grabbed both of my shoulders and leveled his eyes with mine.

"I am mad." I said looking away. Then suddenly I feel his warm lips against mine. Kissing hungrily. I was so stunned at first but I responded after a while. He moans, and I feel his hand travel down from my shoulders. My bad mood is fading away.

I put my hand on his waist to drag him closer. His hand is now gently caressing my waist. I feel hot. My heart starts to beat loudly; I can almost hear it in my ears.

Aiden is breathing harshly and he is kissing me like he will never stop. I put my hands on his wide hard chest, and I feel his heart beating wild. Are we doing this now?

His lips travel down my neck. I moan, and then he slowly lay me on the bed and hovers over me. I am panting. Is it going to happen tonight?

Aiden's lips went lower on my neck and for the first time he cupped my right breast. He gasps for air. My body bows with the sensational feeling it brought me. Then I feel my robe fall open. My eyes widen in shocked and I feel Aiden's bare palm caress the soft peak of my breast.

"Oh my God, Aiden." my voice is needy. He put one of my nipples in his mouth and I almost cried in pleasure.

"Alyana, you are so beautiful," He whisper looking straight into my eyes. His eyes are blazing with emotions I can't name and bend down to take my other nipple on his mouth. I run my hand through his hair and moan. Is this what it feels like to be a woman?

I sit up to pull his shirt off, and I succeed. Bold and brave, I touch his crotch and feel his hard as steel maleness. Oh sweet Saturday! He groans loudly.

"Take me, now." I plead. I am panting hard like Aiden. Then he suddenly get up.

"What are you doing?" I asked frustration in evident in my voice.

"I don't have condoms, Alyana." He said while panting. I almost want to pull all my hairs from my head.

"This is so frustrating!" I groan. He bends down and pulls to overlap my robe and cover my naked body. I sit up and tie my robe.

"I need to take a cold shower." he said and walk to the bathroom while pulling his own hair and groaning. I want to laugh at the situation but I just can't.


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