Chapter NINE

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"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am with you."



"Where will I sleep?" Aiden asked after eating, we are still sitting in the kitchen. He is beside me.

"In the guest room," I said nonchalantly. Aiden made a pained reaction.

"Where do you want to sleep then?"

"At your room," he's giving me a pleading face like a teenager asking for extra allowance from his strict mom.

"Will you behave like a gentle man?" I gave him the look like what your mother will give you when you ask if you can have a boyfriend for the very first time.

"I promise," he raised his two palms. Swearing.

"Okay, you're allowed. But if you'll made anything against the law you're," I made a slashing motion across my neck. "Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," he nods his head like an obedient child.

Why tonight? As much as I want something to happen, I am not prepared. Of course I want our first to be perfect.

"You take a shower first," I said in commanding tone as I stood up and start to clean the table.

"Can you scrub my back?" He asked innocently.

"Aiden!" I glared at him. He erupted into a face splitting grin.

"She said earlier she want to.." he murmurs to himself

"Will you just take a shower? Or do you want me to change my mind about you sleeping in my bed?" I put my hands on my waist. Like what my mom always did when she's pissed.

"Okay, Okay! I'll shower now." he said like a petulant teenager. He stood up, but before he turns on his heel, he bend down and gives me a smack in my lips. "You're beautiful when you're bossy," and leave me in the kitchen and went upstairs.


"Why do women take five years in the bathroom?" Aiden asked as I stepped out of the shower inside my room and went to the corner of my double bed where he was sitting.

I called Aiden's maid to deliver some of his clothes. He showered before me, and now he's holding my guitar, his fingers are hitting the strings but he's not singing. I smiled at him and took a seat beside him.
He looks out of place in my light pink sheets and pillow. His deep blue eyes get even darker because of the old floral wall papers and pink sheets. His copper hair is a little mess; stubbles are starting to form in his jaw. Chest hairs are peaking from his white V-neck shirt. He's only in boxers. He looks edible. Rawr!

This is our first night together alone. No friends, no pets. Just us. Oh Monday, thank you for the blessing! But we can't do it tonight. I want it to be perfect. I mentally warn myself. Behave Alyana, behave.

"It takes time to dry my hair." I said and he lean his body closer to me and kiss my hair. He hummed deep in his throat.

"You smell good." he whisper, his eyes have mischievous gleam.

I glare at him, "Don't give me that look, Aiden," My voice is stern and I narrow my eyes at him.

"What look?" he smiles his dashing smile at me.

"Behave! Or you will sleep in the guest room," I warn

"I'll behave, I promise. Can you sing for me?" he asked politely, but he is smiling like an idiot.

I nod my head as I try to act as a sweet normal girlfriend and not a strict mom. I put my chin on his shoulder and inhale his unique musky male scent. I know Aiden won't do anything to me, especially tonight. He just got a hobby of teasing me, and to get even, I tease him more than he does. But he never took advantage of me, not even once.

He is such a funny sweet and caring man. Sometimes, I wonder what he sees in me, I sometimes feel that he is too good for me.

I don't know why he loves to hear my voice while it was him who sings better than I am. He starts to hit the note of a familiar song and my brain works like it was in sync with his as I start to sing the first line of the song. His earlier mood is now replaced with a mixed one. He smiles and looks at me with his eyes dancing with a lot emotions. Contentment? Adoration? I just don't know.

"She can wound with her eyes,
She can kill with her smile
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies.
And she only reveals what she wants you to see."

I stop there as I soon realize Aiden was singing with me. I don't normally hear him sing, and when he does, it always leaves me breathless. He really has a wonderful voice. My heart starts to beat wildly; I can feel his song targeting my heart. I think, he succeed.

"She hides like a child, but she's always a woman to me.." Aiden sings alone.

Can a woman fall in love a thousand times for a man? Yes I guess. Because right at this moment; I fall in love for a thousand time for this man.

"She is frequently kind,
and suddenly she's cruel
She can do as pleases
She's nobody's fool
But she can't be convicted
She's earned her degree
and the most she will do
Is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me.."

Aiden continue to sing, I want to close my eyes, to let my heart feel what he's been singing, but I can't. His eyes never leave my face throughout the song, giving me a look that can melt even the whole Arctic. Looking at me, like I mean the world to him, like I am the most beautiful woman he ever saw, his eyes are shinning with so much love and awe. And I realize that he is singing for me. I am the woman in his song! Oh Goodness. Can I get any luckier?

He made me want to believe in myself, in my hidden abilities and talents. He made me feel beautiful and sexy. He made me feel like a woman, a good and deserving of love-kind of woman. He made me want to love myself, too.

After he finished the song, he put the guitar down, and gently grabs my face. Before he bent down, he lightly brush his thumb from my cheeks to my lower lip and kiss me passionately, and I responded with equal passion and love he poured in his song. I unconsciously wrapped him in my arms. He meant the world to me.

Before he let go, he slightly bite my lower lip and brush his nose against mine. "I love you," he whispers. He closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, they are blazing with profound love and contentment.

"I love you too, Aiden." I said against his lips

"Do you have any plans for week end?" Whoa! Weekend?

"I haven't planned anything yet." I answer.

"Are you up for hiking?" he gave me a challenging look and raised his eye brows at me. I put my hands on my waist and put a game face on.

"Don't forget to bring pain killers for your knees, old man," I answered with a smirk and the room roared with his laughter.

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