Chapter FOUR

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"Every woman is beautiful; it just takes the right man to see it."



I am staring at my reflection for what it feels like a lifetime. Still contemplating; if I will go to work or will just sleep all day, and be left with my thoughts.

Finally i decided to go to work. This is day is a hell day!


"Good morning Alyana, Mr. Adams wants you in his office at ten." Clare, the receptionist said, giving me a wicked wink.

"Oh, Clare, don't be silly." and gave her my most innocent smile I can manage.

I ride the elevator and push the top floor. Even it's not 10:00 AM. I just want this matter to be over and done with. I had enough of this.

I enter the private room without knocking or even asking his personal assistant outside his office. I've only been here twice before. The room is huge, maybe four times larger than my office, with floor to ceiling glass walls like mine, the furniture are in gray, white and black colors.

The huge mahogany table is at the left corner of the room facing the door. But the swivel chair is empty. I look around, the white walls are bare, and except from a large photograph that is facing the CEO's table. It will capture anyone's attention that will come into this office, since the room was bare from any decoration. I went closer to the canvas.

It is a photo of a woman's back, holding a mini suitcase on her left hand and a man's gray suit was folded around on her right arm. She had a big summer hat on her head, covering the side of her eyes showing only her jaw line, her long brown hair was down to her waist, and the wind was blowing it away.

The girl was wearing a denim shorts that show off her long sexy legs, and a white hanging blouse that showcase a little of her narrow waist, she had brown ankle length leather boots. Her right leg was a bit forward than the other one, making her looks like she's walking.

Hell, she was walking. The background was green mountains and the sun was setting down on her. She looks so hot, sexy even, but the photograph shows more than sexiness, it shows something more by the way it was taken. It was captured like how the man behind the camera saw the woman through his own eyes. With what? Adoration? Awe? I don't know.

When realization hits me, my jaw drops in the floor. Oh good God, that woman was me!

Then, I heard the soft swing of the door. I snap my head to the direction of the sound as it crack open and our CEO came inside the room.

I was so stunned. My eyes are wide. I never saw this photo before, ever. I can't find my tongue for a while. He took a good notice of my reaction to the photo, I am still facing it and he has this smile that he can only make. Bastard!

After a beat, I manage compose myself, I put a poker face on, giving nothing away. Then, I glare at him.

"What kind of stunt are you pulling out this time?" I see his eyes blaze in blue fire. And I think I saw regret flash too before he blink it gone.

"I am going to win you back." he states as if those are the most natural thing in the world. As if it was as easy as ABC.

He went behind his table and sit like a king. He looks at me from head to toe. Did I just saw love in those eyes? But it's too quick; I even thought I only imagined it.

"And do you think, buying the company I am working at will help you with your fucking mission on Earth?" I snap taking two steps forward.

I am only a foot away from his table now. I know my eyes are blazing fury. But I don't care.

I am glad I decided to wear my best clothes. Somehow I had the feeling that he will do something to talk to me. And I want to look my best. And why is that? You want him to drool over you? I asked myself.

He stands up, and put both of his hands in the table and lean his body closer to me, putting his weight on his palms. So close, I can even smell his cologne that mixed so naturally with his aftershave. It reminds me of summer. Of him. Of the love we'd shared.

"I called you because I believe those shopping bags are yours." His eyes lit up with some emotion once again.

He motioned to the two shopping bags that are sitting on the chair in front of his table. Those are my make up that I left in the coffee shop when I leave in haste.

I don't recall seeing them earlier. I am blinded with fury. I grab the paper bags and stare at him like he is the least person I want to see in the world.

"You still have the habit of leaving your valuables in random places." He said with a smirk.

"Why are you here? Don't you have business from far away land?" I spit the words bitterly, making him feel that I don't like his presence here and ignoring that he still remembers my old bad habits.

"I am here for the matter." Determination is evident in his blue eyes and it became even bluer, it can remind you of the sea. It's power and it's depth. Unfathomable. Like the man in front of me.

I focused my almond shape Filipina eyes on him-- I know that these eyes always made him melt before-- and looked at him squarely.

"Five years, you're five years too late." I said coldly and before I turn my back to him I flip my long hair away from my shoulders to my back and walked away with confidence I mastered for the past five years.

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