Chapter 23

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"Pour yourself a drink. Put on some lipstick and pull yourself together."

--Elizabeth Taylor


The following day, I dragged myself out of bed and took a shower then pulled myself to work. I can't eat, appetite runs away from me since the night I overheard Aiden's conversation, and seems it to totally leaves my body last night.

My face is downcast when I enter the office; Mrs. Collins took a good notice.

"Alyana, are you sick? You look pale." her voice reminds me of my mom's-- the way she talks to me with genuine concern and observing mother's eyes. I love Mrs. Collins. I respect and love her like I do to my mom. Because she did the same way to me.

"No, I.. I am fine. Thank you Mrs. Collins. Did I miss a lot at work?" I answered smiling a little; trying to reassure her that I am fine.

"Not much, but I have something for you.." she trails off and go behind her desk. I follow. She motioned for me to sit in the chair in front of her desk.

"Thank you." I mutter.

She opens her drawer and hands me a blue folder. I took it; thinking it may be the projects I need to work on. I open the folder and gasp at the heading and then turn to the next page to confirm what's inside my mind. I put my hand on my mouth to cover it because it's wide open.

"Congratulations, Alyana! You are being promoted as Junior Advertising head. You deserve it, daughter." she stands up and shakes my hand. But I can't utter a word. I am so stunned. So surprise. I am not expecting any of this.

What an ironic life. You gain some, you lose some.

I didn't notice that I am in Mrs. Collins' embrace, but once I gain my brain back I hug her back and thank her wholeheartedly.

"But for now, you can go home. I know there's something going on in your life. I don't want to invade, you have to be strong, young woman, and everything will be fine. Fix yourself." she said when she pulls out of me. She patted my shoulders, her eyes glowing with concern.

"..But I have to remind you; your co-workers are waiting for the celebration party, give me a beep once you're ready." she added. I smile genuinely this time and then nod my head.

"Thank you for everything, Mrs. Collins." I hug her one more time. I feel my eyes heating up.

Oh no!

"Hey, you should be happy. Now, go shopping, you need new clothes and a lot of lipstick." she winks at me, and I smile.

Shopping seems to be in timing.

"Thank you, you are the best boss I've ever known."

"You are the most talented person I've ever met." she replied. My cheeks heat up.

"Where the fuck are you, Alyana!" Liam almost shout as I answer my phone.

"Will you calm the fuck down, Liam?"

"I went to your house; I thought you lock yourself up. Where are you?" there's a sound of car's engine in the background.

"I'm doing some shopping.."

He cuts me off.

"How did you get there? You don't have a car! Why didn't you call me? What if the cab driver didn't drive you to your destination? What if.."

This time I cut him off.

"For heaven's sake Liam, I am alive! Don't be hysterical, I am a woman, I can manage myself."

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