Chapter 30: Through Aiden's Eyes

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A/N: I got the feeling that I need to do this is one chapter flashback of Aiden when he met Alyana and what he felt for her. The next chapters are Alyana and Aiden's POV in random. I hope you all keep up with my story! And don't forget to vote.


"I wonder what I look like in your eyes."




"Max, to the café please." I said to my driver while tapping on my phone. It's blasting with Kendra's text messages and it's irritating me. I got a load of work to do, and here she is, pestering my supposed to be a good morning. She's my ex-girlfriend, but she's still clinging to me like a leech.

I turn my fucking phone off as I sit on the first available table I saw. I was about to sip my coffee when a woman-- no-- a jaw dropping woman walks pass my table. She sits three or four tables away from me--I can't fucking count straight.

She's in a typical office uniform; but she's in flat shoes. She has a long dark chocolate straight hair that curls at the end. Her face is bare from any make up but she's fucking stunning. Her almond shape dark brown eyes makes her look like an angel with devil's lips--no she's got an angel lips but a saint can be a sinner in an instant with that lips of hers. She's an Asian girl. And she fucking got me in a second.

I need to know her name. I need to know more about her. Will I ask her to share her table with me? No, the café is not crowded. How can I make a move here? My playboy self can't find ways to at least talk to her. Fuck! I never felt this way.

I can't stop looking at her, but she seems oblivous of her surrounding. She pulled a black leather planner and starts to scrib. She looks at her phone then to the planner and scribs again. She sips on her frap and I fucking get jealous of the straw.

Can I be her straw for today? Please just for today.

I keep on staring at her and she keeps on scribing and sipping her frap. After a while she stands up.

Oh woman, don't leave too early!

But of course she didn't heard me. She grabs her bag, her frap and her planner. She walks like a beauty queen that she is and walks pass my table once again. I pull all my strength not to grab her wrist to ask her name. That's a total douche bag moves, and a woman like her didn't deserve a douche bag.

She looks naïve but modern. Poised and feminine. Intelligent, alluring and she's fucking sizzling hot.

The next day, I went to the same coffee shop. I sit just one table away from the table that woman occupied yesterday. Hoping she will come again and I will get a chance to know her. After 10 fucking long minutes she comes in. My breath caught in my throat.

I forgot that it is Saturday, she's not in her office uniform, and she's wearing a pair of converse, faded denim shorts and a white V-neck lose blouse that she tied on her front. An aviator shades is hanging on the neck line of her blouse while her long hair is in a bun.

She looks so young. So very young. But fucking very sexy. Her legs are long and tan. In her right arm is a typical NY hat. Her face is bare from any make up just like yesterday.

She ordered and sits on the table she occupied yesterday. She stares outside and sigh. All my ninja moves I planned yesterday fades in reality as she crosses her legs that are in my full view since I am sitting sidewards to her table.

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