Chapter 35

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"The best thing about memories is making them."




I open her door while savouring her lips, licking her earlobe and kissing her neck. She's keeping her moans until I locked the door behind me.

I bend down and put her down on her feet, before I straighten my body I pulled her yoga pants down that takes her by surprise.

"Aiden, they might hear us."

"You can scream," I said smirking. "I know your room is sound proof. Here or in your bed?"

"Bed." she whispers.

"Good choice." I take her to bed and make her forget her own name.


The next morning I wake up feeling the warmth of the woman beside me. She's fast asleep, breathing evenly. My right hand is in her left breast and the other on her stomach, my legs are intertwined with hers. I am lying sideways and she's lying on her back. I get the chance to study her face.

Her long hair is spread across the pillow; so silky and soft. Her lashes are long and dark, she has a perfect nose and well sculptured pink lips. Her skin is flawless.

I take my hand from her breast and she stirs.

She's naked. We both are.

"Come on, wake up sleepy head. Let's take a shower together." I said while kissing her earlobe. She stirs again but keeps her eyes close. She turns and lays on front.


I smirk.

"Come on," I said sweetly.


"We have to get up, before your mom realizes that we slept in the same room."


"Have you lost your tongue last night?"

"Give me an hour more, please." she said eyes still close.

"I wonder why you seem so tired."

This time she opens her eyes. And I caught my breath when I see them spark. She's achingly beautiful. I can't take my eyes away from her.

Then she blushes, and bites her lower lip.

"Are you sore?" I ask, we made love through the night. She's... Oh God, I feel the stir in my groin as I recall what she did--what we did last night. I didn't know she can be so.. I don't wanna tell you. I am not the kiss and tell kind of man.

So let's move on..

She's looking shyly up at me now, but she snakes her arms around me then settles her face on the crook of my neck. I feel her warm breath as she exhales.

"Uh-huh. Give me thirty minutes more, please." she close her eyes and I wait for her breathing to even out.

I feel so alive. I feel so utterly, utterly contented in this set up. But I have to get up, or I will be running out of time. I kiss her forehead before I carefully take her arms away from me, then suddenly it's cold. I immediately regreted that I get up from bed. I look at her one more time and pick up all our clothes and put it on. I piled her clothes on her night stand and left the room.

"You're time is up, wake up sleepy head." she's been asleep for forty five minutes. Enough time for me to prepare.

She groans and changes her sleeping position.

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