Chapter 40

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"Whenever there is something too unpleasant,
Too shameful for us to entertain, we reject it.
We erase it from our memories.
But the imprints are always there.




My weekend runs smoothly after Aiden explains everything to me about the Deed of Sale. I was so mad at him but it eventually subsides when he made everything clear.

I can never forget the shock and anxiety in his eyes when I walked away from him. It was as if I kicked his groin or pulled his head. I realize, I don't want to see him like that again. After all his word to me, his plans, I don't think I will ever like to put him in that situation again.

Lately, he's been calling me 'baby', and it thrills me everytime he does. It's new to my ears, and foreign in his mouth, but when it slips in his lips it sends excitement down on me.

It's Monday, and I was about to go home. I started the engine of my car when my phone rings. It's Aiden.

"Where are you?" he whisper, his voice is warm.

"Going home." I reply.

"On your own? No, I'll send Max."

"Aiden, I am just pregnant. Please don't over react. I can drive." I said while rolling my eyes. He's been over protective of me--of us--since we confirmed my pregnancy.

He sighs on the other line.

"Please be careful. Drive slowly, call me when you get home. I'll worry until then." I hear the anxiety in his voice again as he sighs once more. "I don't know why, but I am nervous. Please be home safely."

It tugs my heart. Deep down I love his over protectiveness.

"I will, I promise, are you working late?"

"I have a meeting until six. I see you later." Why is he so anxious? I swear he'll die of coronary if he'll continue this.

"See you, good bye."

"I love you." he breathes. "Be careful, baby."

"I love you, too. I'll call."

I end the line. Shaking my head to myself, I should have let him send Max, if it will help to calm him down. How can he work if he keeps on worrying about me?

Poor Aiden.

I know he didn't argue with me because he don't want to come home with my foul mood. Lately, I've been trying to manage my moods, I know it comes with my pregnancy but I can't help to get pity with Aiden whenever he scratches the back of his head when I am in bad mood. He will just lay silently beside me--without even touching my toes with his--until I fell asleep, and I always wake up in his arms with guilty feelings.

His patience on me is undeniable and unbelieveable. In mornings, he will make me fresh orange juice. Cook for me. He even stop using his cologne because I told him once that it makes me dizzy. We haven't been eating food with garlic anymore, it makes my stomach churn.

Claudette has been as patient as Aiden, she's been over protective of me, too. She always asks if I feel better or what food I want to eat. They are both sweet and caring and loving, no wonder they are brothers.

I was consumed with my thoughts, I haven't realize that I was a street away from home. As I get nearer and nearer, my heart beats faster and faster.

I have to blink several times to make myself sure of what my eyes are seeing.

A black, four seat car was parked two houses away from my old house. The windows are heavily tinted, and the plate number was missing. But I am a hundred percent sure its Liam's car.

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