Chapter 47

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The music starts to play, so as my racing heart.

The doors open slowly.. Very slowly.. Bathing the whole church with the light from the outside the bride slowly walks in the aisle..

My knees go weak.. And with an overwhelming emotion I feel my eyes heat up.

She's here.. She's here to marry me.

With all her grateful smile she walks until she's few meters away from me. Enough for me to see how breathtaking she is. And I think in that moment the world fucking stops. Suddenly, it was just me, and her.

Her simple white bridal gown makes her even more elegant. Her make up is light, making her natural beauty glow even more. The end of her vail is still lying near the back door of the church.

Walking slowly, I see a tear roll down her cheeks, and that's enough for me to let go of mine. I wipe it almost immediately making her laugh a little. Her shoulders shakes delicately as she tries to compose herself.

She's not hiding our baby bump but no one can guess that she's almost five months pregnant. She's simply adoringly sexy and beautiful.

I'll never ever gonna forget this day.

It's been 24 hours, and 30 minutes since the last time I saw her, and it takes all my power not to run toward her. I miss her that much. My bed was a little too empty last night, and I'm not gonna lie. I didn't sleep that much.

And the moment she reach the altar, I waste no time to touch her, to feel her hands, to touch her waist as I gently guide her to the chair in front of Father David.

On the first pew, her mother and grandmother sits side by side while crying with pure happy tears. My sister on the other side she gives me a two thumbs up. I gave them a heartfelt smile. As I turn to my bride I whisper.

"I missed you."

"I missed you last night." she whipers back, until Reverent Father David clears his throat.

"We'll start now children, you have plenty of time for whispering in each others ears later."

The audience laugh. Alyana's cheeks turn even pink.

The wedding ceremony proceeds without incident—the prayers, the readings, the lighting of the unity candle. Then the moment you’ve all been waiting for arrives.

Father David asks, “Aiden, do you promise to be true to Alyana in good times and bad, in sickness and health? Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish her until death do you part?”

In a clear voice, I pledge, “Yes, I do.”

Alyana’s eyes hold mine and her smile is so bright—so true—as Father David asks her, “And do you, promise to be true to Aiden in good times and bad, in sickness and health? Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish him until death do you part?”

Tears well in her beautiful dark dark eyes. “Yes, I do, Father.”

It takes everything I’ve got not to pull her to me and kiss her.

My throat tightens as I place her ring on her finger. “I give you this ring as a token of my love and devotion. I pledge to you all that I am, all I’ll ever be. With this ring, I marry you and join my life to yours.”

Alyana holds my hand for an extra moment. Then, tears slip down her cheeks as she slides my own ring on my finger, saying in a voice choked with emotion, “I give you this ring as a token of my love and devotion. I pledge to you all that I am and all that I will ever be. With this ring, I gladly marry you and join my life to yours.”

Then Father David declares, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no man pull asunder. You may kiss your bride.”

Without hesitation, I kiss Alyana She wraps her arms around my neck. The kiss is long and thorough and totally inappropriate for church.

I still catch the pinkness of her cheeks as applause and whistles erupt, the church bells ring, and the musicians belt out “Ode to Joy.”

"Hold my hand, baby."

She puts her hand on mine and we walk down the aisle side by side.

Husband and wife.


By the end of the program at the reception I pull Alyana in my arms.

"Let me put you to bed, I don't want you to get even tired." I said. We're on second trimester and by this time, she easily gets tired. If I could only help her carrying the baby, I would take it gladly.

I carry her from the elevator up to our room. Smilling so sweetly up at me I can't resist to taste her lips.

"Don't." I said when she tried to deepen the kiss. She pouts. "I know how tired you are. But.. We still have two weeks honey moon." her eyes shine brightly enough for me to stiffen.

We can't go out of the country, but I promise to take her when the baby came out. The truth is, I don't want to take the risk. She's growing the baby well, but still, she's pregnant. And she knows how anxious I am.

Our honey moon is just a two week stay at this hotel. No work. No stress. That, I promise her.

Lying her gently to bed I look at her dear face and caress her cheeks.

"Mrs. Adams. You are now my Mrs. Adams."

"Yes, and I'm only yours."

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