Chapter 31

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"The best journey takes you home."




Aiden sits beside me while grinning from ear to ear. We had just arrived at the airport.

How can he get his ticket so fast? Mine was booked long ago.

I have the feeling that he had planned this from the start. I only want a peaceful vacation, and with him it's only two things; it could be memorable or a disastrous trip.

I have this way of celebrating my birthday. I go to orphanage, give homeless kids food, give them gifts that they deserve, I teach them how to draw, sing, how to play the guitar--things that I know. I feel so blessed that's why I share it with the less fortunate innocent kids. They should be playing and studying by their age.

I doubt it if Aiden wants to be with those children. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

"You seem nervous." Aiden commented, dragging me out of my reverie.

"I need to inform my mother that I am going home with you." I don't know what to say. How can I explain this to my mom and my grandmother?

"Then, call her."

I bow my head as I feel the raging beat of my heart. "I don't know what to say.." I whisper. I look away. I don't want him to see the hesitation in my eyes, he might misundertood it.

"I'd met her before. I know she will understand. Besides, I'll be staying in a hotel." he said reassuring me like he knows my mom well.

"That's not the problem.. My.. my family would.."

I can't voice it out. I know, for sure my mom will not consider Aiden to stay in hotel, she will surely entertain Aiden more than necessary. This would be a fight. Oh God. This is not a good decision, but I can't take it back now. We are about to take the flight.

"Alyana, what's the problem?" he asks sensing my hesitation.

"Promise me that you will stay in a hotel, no matter what my mom will tell you. Alright?" he nods, but his eyes are reluctant.

I don't want him to stay in my house. My cousins and relatives will bully me about marriage. They will think that I will get married soon, because this is the first time I brought a man in my home town.

But Aiden and I just got back together. Five years is not a short time, and it builds an invisible gap between us, like there's a strange missing piece in a puzzle. I don't know if Aiden can feel it too. But it's there, and it's burning in the back of my mind.

Maybe it's because I still have no idea why he left all of a sudden. There are some things I still don't understand.

"Ma, I am going home with Aiden." I announce through the phone. My ears almost burst out to the other side as my mom squeaks from the other line. I distance my phone from my ear and made a pained reaction.

"Are you back together? Are you getting married?" my mom asks excitedly.

"I have to go. I just called to let you know. We are at the airport right now." and I end the line.

I don't want to hear any questions about marriage or anything. I don't know what my family would think about this. I don't want to give them false hopes. I don't want myself to hope that we are really for each other. In this life, you can never predict what's going to happen next.

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