Chapter 41

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Lazily, I open my eyes. White stark ceiling greeted my hazy vision. A low groan escape from my throat. I blink several times, trying to think.

Where am I?

I move my eyes to the left; there's a huge window with green drapes, there's a table overflowing with flowers. To the right; the walls are white and there's a door I am not familiar with.

I look down; there is a man, his arms are bend together and his head are above it. He's sleeping peacefully.

I notice the IV attached to my right hand and I am wearing a hospital gown. I move my left hand to touch his unruly silky hair. I close my eyes as I feel his hair against my fingers.

Waves of last events memories rush down my head. I close my eyes tightly, and regreted everything I've done.

The man stirs and bolt upright. My hand falls weakly onto the mattress.

I open my eyes to look at him, his eyes are weary and tired. I think he haven't sleep the night.

Wait! What time is it?

"You're awake, thank Heavens." his voice is relieved but still worried.

He stands up and bend over to give me kiss in the forehead. As he straighten, I see anger in his eyes masked with a smile that tugs his lips.

"How's my baby?" My heart starts to beat furiously in my chest. No! No! Please, no!

"Our baby is fine." he said with a great emphasis in our. "You lost blood, they transfused the blood you lost to keep you and our baby stable. You are not allowed to do some certain things. The doctors said that you need a complete rest."

I breathe a sigh of relief. I move my palms and touch my belly.

My little one is safe. Thank God.

Aiden sits beside me, he gently brush my hair away from my face. I take a notice of his right fist. It's banded and covered with gauze.

"How do you feel?" he asks as he graps my left hand. His soft stubbles are growing and it gently scrapes at the back of my hand as he took it to his lips.

"You're mad, aren't you?" I gently ask. Looking at his banded fist.

He exhales softly and gaze down at me.

"I nearly lost the both of you." he whispers. His voice eerly quiet. "I will lost my mind if something happened to you or to our baby, Alyana. You nearly die."

"I'm sorry," I bow my head. Tears are about to fall. I don't want him to see the pain in my eyes, pain for Liam; for what happened to him.

He squeezes my hand before he put it in his lap. He genlty palms my face and look straight into my eyes.

"Baby, please don't cry, it's not good for you. You need a complete rest so you can recover fast." I nod my head. He give me a soft peck and release me so suddenly. His eyes changes into a shade bluer. I know that look. That's the kind of look that takes me to bed every night. That's the eyes that makes love to mine. I flush.

"Are you hungry? Do you need anything?" he asks, I sense it is to divert the topic.

"I am fine, what happen to him?"

"Alyana, will you please take a rest before we face our problems with him?"

He's scolding me like a child. I feel my cheeks heat up. He's still my friend and I want to know what happen to him after we left him in the old house.

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