Chapter TEN

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"When a woman is loved correctly, she becomes ten times the woman she was before."



"Can you give me an hour? I have to e-mail some documents, sleep ahead." he pulls the duvet up to my chin and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and drift.

After what it feels like an hour, I feel the mattress move softly on the other side, Aiden try not to wake me as he slowly lie in bed next to me.

I stir and open my eyes, the first thing I see in his eyes looking down at me with amusement. I blink several times, trying to wake my sleeping brain.

"You're a shallow sleeper," he commented then put a chase kiss on my lips. He shifted and makes himself comfortable in the bed.

I lift my head and put it over his chest and curl around him. His left hand stoke my hair gently, I can feel his smile above my head.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I dreamt of this a thousand times." I smile, though my heart is overwhelmed. He lifted my chin up to level his eyes on me. "I love you, good night Alyana," he murmurs.

"Ditto," I kiss him in his cheeks and settle my head once again in his chest.

I can't still sleep after thirty minutes. "Are you sleeping?"

"I can't sleep," he murmurs


"Because I want to watch you sleep." he look into my eyes with adoration. I melt. "How do you see yourself after five years, Alyana?"

Whoa! Is this a job interview?

"I am not applying for any job Mr. Adams." where is he going with this?

"I need an honest answer," he said in serious tone.

"I don't know, maybe one of the advertising head?" I put my face on the crook of his neck.

"You don't see yourself as a married woman after five years?" there's a hint of pain in his voice. Whoa! What did I do now?

"I do," I whisper looking straight into his pained blue eyes. What did I say to hurt him like this?

"Do you see yourself married with me, Alyana?" His voice is quiet. Shit! What should I say?

"I see myself old and gray with you, Aiden, no one else but you." my voice is soft and cajoling. Relief floods his face. He likes to hear my plans for the future, and I hurt him when I don't voice out my plans with him. Oh, Aiden, if you only knew.

He put his chin above my forehead and tugs me even closer.

"What are you thinking?" I asked when he kept quiet. I thought he was asleep when he doesn't answer back.

"I don't think I can live without you, Alyana, I just want to hear you feel the same way too.." he sigh.

"I can't either, Aiden. It's just that I have a lot of dreams that I want to accomplish first." I put my hands around his waist.

"I know... I can wait, Alayana."

"I am glad to hear that." I smile.

"How many children do you like?" Oh my God!

"Honestly?" I asked, and he nods. "I want more than three," he laughs. And I breathe a little. The heavy mood is now lifted a bit.

"What's so funny?"

"I just thought you don't want to have kids." amusement and relief is evident in his voice. When I look at him, he smiles-his panty dropping smile- down at me. I want to squirm.

"It's hard to be an only child." I stated.

"I am glad you want more than three. I am planning of having five."

"Five it is then." I agreed. It's now my turn to ask him. "How do you see yourself after five years?"

"Happy and married," he answered without any hesitation. "I have a little girl or a boy in my lap; that keeps me awake at night. While you are pregnant with our second." his eyes are shinning as he imagined this in his head.

It feels so good to hear those words from him. Any other man would be terrified to get married. But Aiden is anything but, he want to settle down with me. He wants to build a family with me.

I smile and kiss his neck; he tensed and looks down at me.
"Don't do that, you don't know what I've going through tonight. It's hard to act like a gentle man if you're doing that." His voice is husky, eyes are hooded.

I wrinkle my brow. "You can be a cave man tonight," I suggest, but he looks at me like I've grown two heads.

I kiss his neck once more and he groaned. "Alayana," he warns. "Sleep now, we both has a ton of work tomorrow."

When I open my eyes the next morning, I am wrapped with Aiden. His arms are around my stomach. His legs are over mine. I look at his handsome sleeping face. The sun is up early shining down at us. The blinds are open, giving way for the rays of the sun. He is so gorgeous. And I am a lucky bitch for hurting him last night.

Aiden stirs and slowly open his eyes. My breath caught in my throat as I see his eyes get a shade bluer through the sun.
"I love you pretty woman." he smiles down at me. For the hundred and tenth time I melt.

"Good morning, handsome," I greet. "..and I love you more,"

He sits down, and looks at my face, I instinctively cover it with my two palms. I am so ugly in the morning.

"Hey, don't hide from me; you are lovely this morning... Are you sure?.." he trails off.

"Sure of what?" I asked as he tries to pry my hands away. I shift so I am lying on my front.

"That you don't have any shampoo or toothpaste commercial?" his eyes are blazing with love and admiration. Am I worthy of that?

"Humm, complements from Mr. Marlboro."

He grins, and slaps my butt playfully. "Get up, and cook me some breakfast." Bossy, as ever.

"What do you want for breakfast, Sir?" I asked as I sit up from bed. He looks coyly at me.

"Pancakes will do," he palms my face and look at me with some emotions I can't fathom. But they are shinning like the waters in the deepest ocean. My breath caught in my throat once more. He is really a ten.

He kisses my forehead and brushes his nose against mine.

"Thank you for a wonderful night, Alyana." he whispers.

Oh God, I really love this man.

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