Chapter 26

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"In the waves of chance, we find our true direction."



The following Monday, I saw Aiden walking with a gorgeous woman in his arms. I am about to take the lift when they get out of the elevator. It's seems like they are going out somewhere. I continue to walk though I feel a pinch in my heart.

Who is she?

Her curly hair is long and copper; she has creamy skin and green emerald eyes which is smiling at Aiden. Her teeth are perfect and a nose of an aristocrat. She's dressed sophistically and walking like she's in a fashion show. She has this kind look in her eyes that tells me she's not an enemy. But I can't help myself.

Her right arm is tucked in Aiden's left. They are both laughing but stops when they noticed me. Aiden froze but he didn't let go of the woman's arm.

My heart sinks. Did he change his mind of winning me back? How can he get a replacement so easy?

Is this what he felt when he saw me with other man?

They both stop in the way I should take to get to the elevator. I continue to walk and stop out of politeness to give them courtesy. Aiden cleared his throat then speaks to greet me.

"Good morning, Alyana."

"Good morning, Mr. Adams." I nod my head and I tried to give a smile to the woman in his arms.

"Why don't you introduce me?" the woman asks sweetly, looking up to Aiden. The man smiles down at her.

I can't take this!

"Alyana, this is Claudette, Claudette, this is Alyana." Aiden introduce us.

Claudette? She's the fucking Claudette?

I feel my heart stop beating. She's beautiful. No wonder Aiden runs away with her. I gave her a tight smile. She offered her hand and I took it hesitantly.

"Hi, Alyana, I'm Aiden's only sister. Pleased to meet you." she said voice like angel.

Sister? She's his fucking sister?

"Ple..please to meet you too. If you'll excuse me, I have to go." I mutter smiling tightly. They both nod and I walk pass them to take the lift.

Thankfully, I am alone in the lift, I know that I am as pale as vinegar. I can't believe my ears. Aiden never told me that he has a sister.

Well, he haven't told me about his father, either.

I got jealous with Claudette when I overheard Aiden's conversation with her, I assumed that he's cheating on me. I assumed that he's playing with me. All this time, I was jealous with his sister?

Oh God! This is my entire fault. I lost my five years because of my childish jealousy!

Recalling her features makes me realize their similarity. They both have copper hair, they both have the same nose and teeth, but her eyes are green, Aiden's are deep blue.

I can't stop thinking randomly. I am trying to remember if Aiden had told me a single story about his family but I can't remember anything. He'd told me about his mother but never about his father.

But still, he left me with no goodbyes or warning. I can't figure out the real reason why he left like that, if Claudette is his sister, there must be a deeper reason behind this.

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