Chapter ELEVEN

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"There's nothing sexier than a man who is in love with his woman, and is not afraid to show it."



"Pack several clothes," Aiden said in commanding tone. "Good for two days." he added.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I open my closet. Aiden is sitting in the couch inside my room, holding my guitar.

"Hunter Mountain," he smirks.

"Hiking with your suit on? Why are you always working every Saturday?" I raise my brow and pull several outfits.

"Because I have to, so hurry we don't have so much time."

After thirty minutes my mini suitcase is ready. I am ready, but Aiden is not ready for my outfit.

"Will you put something.. Like jacket?" I shake my head. My navel will be visible in any slight movement I will make because of my hanging blouse and low waist cut denim shorts. I pair it with ankle length hiking booths.

Aiden seems not happy but chose to shut his mouth. I breathe a little relief for that. It is August, and the sun will glare at us. I will not dare put any sleeves or pants. I wonder how he manages to wear a suit in this kind of weather.

Aiden put my suitcase in the trunk of his car and open the door for me. I kiss him on his cheek and mutter a whispered 'thank you' before I slide in. He smiles down at me. He looks excited about this, I never saw him this boyish and carefree. It makes him look younger.

This is our first out of town together. I am a little nervous about this. And excited! For sure we will sleep in the same bed. I want to jump with glee.

We drive for almost two and a half hour from Binghamton to Hunter Mountain. But I slept on the way so I am not too exhausted as I expected.

"Wake up sleepy head," Aiden said with amusement in his voice. "We're here."

My door is open and Aiden is offering me his hand to help me out. When I am standing outside the car, I feel the humid air almost burn my skin. I took my overlarge summer hat, and put it over my head. Aiden was unloading out suitcases from the trunk of his car. I walk over to him and took mine.

"Hey, let me take your coat off," I said as I unbutton his coat and slide it off his shoulder. I fold it around my arm. He smiles down at me with wonder in his eyes.

"Filipinas are the most caring person in the world." he said with reverence. Oh Goodness!

"Only to the people they love." I whisper with a wink. His eyes get a shade bluer.

"Yes, only for me." the possessive and jealous man is back.

"Yes, only for you." I give him my most sexy smile. I think he melts.

Just in time, a hotel staff greets us. Aiden talk to the staff for a while to settle our accommodation.

I don't want to hear their conversation, so I walk away to take in my surroundings. I look around; all I can see is verdant mountains after mountains. The farthest mountain is almost blue. The sky is clear and blue. I can see a glimpse of water on the other side of the mountain. I am in awe with this magnificent view. I had been in Catskills Mountain but never in Hunter Mountain. This is famous for skiing in winter with its sharp form but during summer it is well known for dare-devil sports.

The wind blows my long brown hair, and I inhale the mountain's fresh air as I close my eyes, and took a peaceful moment for myself. I am away for two days from the city and tons of work. I must enjoy this short vacation.

I feel Aiden's presence at my back and when I look around, I see Aiden playing with a large black camera. It is focusing on me. I smile, and I heard a distant sound indicating he clicked the shutter button. He raised his index finger up- a sign for me to pose another one- while the camera was still covering his face. New hobby.. Humm..

"Enough?" I asked as he walks towards me, he nods his head. "Is that new?" I asked referring to the camera.

"Yes, I just want to take a lot of pictures with you, so we can show it to our future kids." he said casually when he's beside me. Future kids! Oh my Goodness!

"Can I see?" I slip my hand on his waist.

"Later, come on, let's get inside." he said after switching off his camera. He has this look again, the look he gave me in my apartment-the first time we sleep together.

He took my suitcase and guides me inside the hotel.

"We can try outdoors after eating." his eyes are sparkling blue. Jeez! He has plans..

"What's running in that head of yours, Mr. Adams?" I asked when keeps on staring me with challenging look.

"Want to try cable car, Ms. Francisco?" he asked grinning like an idiot. He leads me inside the elevator. And push a button which I guess will be our floor.

"Chicken feed, what about sky rider tour?" I challenge in arrogant tone. His earlier grin turns into amusement.

"You are one of a kind, Alyana." he murmurs then bends down to put a chase kisses on my lips.

The elevator doors open into a floor which has an old American house theme. Aiden open a door of a luxury room in white and brown theme. The wide windows are open and the wind is gently blowing the drapes. It has one king sized bed in white linens and pillows, couch in brown leather, plasma television, fire place, dark brown carpet and a magnificent view of Catskill Mountain. It was really breath taking.

Aiden cleared his throat when he noticed that my mind is drifting away.
"Do you like it?" he asked suddenly nervous.

"I love it, Aiden. Thank you." I walk towards him.

"I'm glad you like it, or we have to find another place." he murmurs and tuck a stray lock of my hair behind my ears while the wind from open windows still blowing it away. "You are so beautiful." he said and I blush. For the hundred and seventy sixth time, he bends down and kisses me passionately.

A/N: thank you for reading my first book. Thank you for the support and the votes. Love you guys!


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