Chapter 27

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"If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story."

--Orson Welles


The next day, I feel a lot better. Really better. I rest well last night; I went home early and sleep the whole night. Aiden hesitantly left me alone in my office when Claudette called him. I am thankful that he left me; I want to run away with my thoughts yesterday. Though, I was still productive, I've finished two projects and today I will work on the last project so I can have a peaceful vacation when I'm away.

I am about to leave my house, I open the door and about step out when a familiar smell fills my nose as I crack the door open. I look down.

Oh! My! God!
Red lilacs!

I am so surprise and my eyes are wide. I pick up the pretty flowers that are beautifully arranged in a round bouquet with red handle and flowing curly ribbon in the bottom from my doorstep. I close my eyes and smell it. Humm. It's been so long since I'd smell red lilacs.

So heavenly, so calming.

These flowers always calms me. They soothe me. I am lost for a moment when a man cleared his throat and I open my eyes.

"I guess, some things never changed." A man smile with all his glory standing just a few feet away from me. I note that his eyes are bright and shinning. His copper hair is still wet from shower and dressed in navy blue suit and white button down shirt with black neck tie.

Watta sight to behold. I mentally shake my head to myself.

I look left and right. Looking for his car, surely I can hear the engine of his car when he arrives. But I see nothing.

Did he walk?

"I didn't walk." He said answering my unspoken question. What? Now, he's a mind reader too?

"I am not a mind reader, Alyana." Answering my question once again. "I just know you well."

"How did you get here?"

"I live in there," He pointed to Mr. Smith's house like it was just a natural thing. No big deal.

"What?" I ask incredulous.

"We are neighbors, Alyana." He said with a smirk that I really want to slap from his face.

"You bought it?" I can't believe my ears once again.

"Yep, six months ago." he grins. Six months ago? Seriously?

"You are the most impossible man I've ever met, Aiden." I said with a sigh. "Can't you just leave me alone? I know I agreed to talk to you but.." I raise my hand in the air and let it drop in my thigh.

"I like the sweet Alyana yesterday. Where did you hide her?" he looks behind me and then side by side, like he's really looking for someone.

"You're fucking crazy." I commented with irritation while rolling my eyes.

"I am just taking back what was mine." his eyes shine as he speaks.

"Was Aiden, was." I emphasize the words. Maybe that way he can understand better. "Whatever we had in the past will stay in the past. Learn to live in the present, Aiden, it'll help you move on."

I went pass him and about to open my car when I remember something. I walk back and put my hand on my waist.

"When did you buy the company?" I ask.

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