Chapter 25

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"In just one kiss, you'll know all I haven't said."

--Pablo Neruda


Trust my brain to collapse in times like this; it's not working properly whenever he's near me.


I am aware that my eyes are wide open, but I can't move. He gently pushes his hand through my hair and then holds the back of my head.

My mouth is gaped open and he took advantage of it, pushing his oh so sweet tongue inside my mouth, savoring my taste. But his kiss is mixed with anger and longing bruising my lips.

I want to pull back, but I can't trust my own knees; I gripped his upper arms with my both hands.

His other hand skimmed beneath my coat and then he slides his hand from my waist to my back. Holding me closer to him; feeling my curve there. His palm is warm-- but it sends shiver through my spine.

I moan, he tilts my face and angled his head to deepen the kiss. Now he changes the rhythm; he is kissing me passionately, slowly. Full of wonder, awe and love?

I don't know when, but I just find myself responding equally to his kiss. Tasting his lower lip and sucking gently. He moans from the back of his throat making it so sexy in my ear. I kiss him back passionately just like I did before.

When I realize what I am doing, I pull all my strength to get away from him.

Oh God! What was that!

I'd lost my mind. I tried to calm my raging nerves while Aiden is breathing hard; trying to catch up with the need for air. He gazes down at me, looking straight and knowingly. After a beat, he smirks.

"Poor Liam. You've just cheated on him." his eyes are dangerous and triumphal. It makes my blood boil.

Is he playing games with me once again? He kissed me just to prove something to himself?

"Get the fuck out of my office, Mr. Adams!" I said furiously, pointing to my door using my index finger with eyes that can kill. I am as red as cherry.

How can I humiliate myself like this?

"Why do I have this feeling that you haven't kissed him like that." he states over confidently and arrogantly.

You want a game? I'll give you a game, Mr. Adams.

I smile, though my eyes are blazing fury when look at him. What I am about to say can make him lose his already crazy mind?

"I'd never." I said, he grins like an idiot.

"..because we did more than that.." I added and went behind my desk. My knees are about to give up. When I sit, I want to let a sigh of relief, but I manage to make a poker face.

When I look at him again, I see his eyes get a shade bluer. He walks over; closing our distance once again. His balled his fist tightly and when he's about a half foot away, then he punches my desk with his right arm forcefully, almost making me jump from my seat.

He focuses his menacing fire blue eyes at me. I swallowed hard. I'd never saw him like this mad. Never..

Oh boy, it's a wrong move.

"You think you can stop me because of what you've said?" He whispers too quietly. "You're very wrong, Alyana. I will get back what was mine." his jaw clenched. I can hear his teeth grinding together.

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