Chapter 33

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This chapter is not suitable for very young audiences.


"Your naked body should only belong to those who fell in love with your naked soul"




Before Aiden can lay me to bed, my phone which is in my lap beeps with a text message. It's Liam.

"Hey babe. Sorry I didn't called last week end. I'm so busy. I wish my girl an advance happy birthday. Call me when you land. Let's do the shoot when you're back. :)"

The text is in the home screen of my iPhone. It takes a moment for me to realize what's wrong.

Aiden have read it too.

When I look at him, his eyes are cold, distant and raging.

"You told me you broke up with him." he said coldly, fist clenched tightly at his sides.

"It's not what you think, Aiden. He's just my friend."

"Five years ago, you told me the same old story, Alyana. And look at what you called 'just a friend', look at where he took us!" he seeth through greeted teeth. His eyes frost.


"This is what I am talking about, Aiden. We don't trust each other."

He unceremoniously lay me--no push me to bed-- and pulled my shirt. Jaw clenched and breathing hard with anger.

"Don't play games with me, Alyana. You don't know what you're getting yourself into." he warns. Voice as cold as Arctic.

"Aiden, wait.. Wait.." I put my hands on his chest to push him. But he's rock hard muscles didn't even flinch.

"That's right, Alyana. Touch me. You can touch me anywhere. I will take you now, and from now on, I will be your only lover." he whispers in my ear seductively but I can still sense his anger.

I lost my mind. Wait!

"Do you understand?" he asks and I absentmindedly nod my head.

I don't know what he did but the next thing I knew we are both naked and he's panting over me.

His eyes are now warm and it sends shiver down my spine.

He take one of my nipples in his mouth and the other is a victim of his skilled hands.

I moan in pleassure.

"That's right, Alyana. I'll make you forget everything."

He dips low and he suprised me by licking my navel and then the pink diamond in there. He plays it with his tongue.

I moan again. I can feel the electricity down my toes.

"Wait, Aiden!" I almost shout. But I remember the sleeping baby just three meters away from us, as he dips his face lower than where my navel is located. I closed my legs and shakes my head when he looks at me.

"No, Aiden, please stop.."

"I swear, I will not stop untill your legs are shaking and the neighbors know my name."

Oh dear sweet Friday!

He spreads my legs and position himself between them.

"Aiden, wait! Take it slow!" then I feel his hard as steel maleness in my opening.

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