Chapter 20

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After our trip from Long Beach, I haven't seen Aiden. He's so busy, and it's been three days. I miss him already even though he calls three times a day.

What's eating him? I know he's facing some problems. But why can't you tell me, Aiden?

I sigh. I know him, he wouldn't tell me. He just wouldn't

It's seven in the evening now and I am alone in my house. I feel so alone after I finished fifteen-minute yoga. Yeah, my new buddy aside from running every morning. I am shocked to realize that I can bend and flex my body-- not like a pro but I can do some next level positions.

After a moment or two-- I hear a familiar sound of a car's engine as it parks outside my apartment. I suddenly get up from the couch and open my door.

And there he is. Standing in front of me with all his glory is the man I miss so much. He is in his usual gray coat and silver tie. His left arm is tucked behind his back.

He seems a happier man when he sees me. It's obvious that he shifted from serious to happy face once again. His eyes are sparkling blue as I run towards him and put him into a bear hug. I just miss him so much.

He seems shock, but laughs at my reaction. He hugs me back with his one arm then I heard a sound of plastic wrapper -- or something and smell that so familiar smell.

"Hey, missed me?" he pulls back and gazes down at me.

"No, why would I?" he hand me a bouquet of red lilacs mixed with red roses and grins at me. Oh my!

"I think you missed me, I shouldn't show up more often if you'll act like this every time."

"You wish." I smirk.

"Don't worry, I missed you too." he said arrogantly. I shake my head, still grinning.

I guide him inside my apartment then we sit together in the couch after I put the flowers in the vase.

"What are you doing the whole night?"

"Yoga." I answered.

"What? Thought you are fine with running every morning?"

"I get bored of running. So yoga is the apple of my eye for now."

"Don't get too engage of losing weight. You're body is perfectly fine now." he has this wicked look on his face. But seem to remember something and make a face giving nothing away.

"Alyana, can I stay the night?"

"Ah.. Err.. I don't have spare clothes that can fit to you."

"I got it covered, so can I stay the night?"

"You plan this, don't you?" I gave him a stern look then put my hands on my waist. He nods.

"So why are you still asking? As if I can stop you." he leans down and gave me chase kiss on my lips.

"Can you blame me? I just miss my girl and I want to spend some time with her." his eyes are scanning my face, as if memorizing every detail of it. What's this? Last week he asked me to marry him. And then what now?.. What's this look in his eyes? It scares the hell out of me!

I was about to ask him but his phone interrupted me as it rings. Aiden pull his phone from his pocket and frown at the screen. I look at the display and I saw that "Claudette" is calling. Claudette, who? His secretary is Olivia!

Aiden look at me, I immediately turn my eyes away from his phone and pretend looking at my plasma television. I don't want him to suspect me that I am invading his privacy.

Even though I am-- I mean I was. I once checked his phone when he was asleep. But I found nothing. As in nada! But now, who's this Claudette? I thought Kendra Park was my only rival in Aiden's life?

Guess I'm wrong. I feel a pang of jealousy in my heart. But I don't let him feel it from me. Not this time.

I note that Aiden ignores the call and shuts his phone off. I mean, he turns it off. Why?

Then I remember his email program when we were in the hotel. My heart starts to beat wildly. Claudette, is your mistress, Aiden? Because I still haven't said yes?

My mood went sour. Suddenly I want to cry out loud. But then, I compose myself and ignore the pain.

"Alyana, what's wrong?" he asked concern.

"Nothing, I will just take a shower so we can rest early." I stood up without waiting for his response.


I open the door of my bathroom and Aiden is leaning outside trapping me. Here we go again, I am naked underneath this robe, but we will stop in the middle of heated scene. I thought to myself.

I didn't move. I just stand there my eyes never leaving him. I am screaming in jealousy inside but I remain calm and compose outside.

He took two uncertain steps towards me, inhales deeply, and then places both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Alyana, tell me, what's wrong?" he whisper. How did he know?

"Who's Claudette?" I asked as I feel that stabbing pain inside of me once again. I can't breathe. What if he said she is his number two? Oh God!

I notice that he stills. His body tenses, looking down he said, "She's Jason's secretary, she's just making sure I will come to their Seminar next week."

I frown. Why can't he look straight into my eyes?

"Is it true?" I asked.

"Alyana, when did I lie to you?"

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Please, don't think that I can be disloyal to you. I am not that type of man."

"I'm sorry for thinking that way." I bow my head.

He lifts my chin up and I meet his blazing blue eyes. It held emotions I can never fathom.

He bend down to meet my lips, he kiss me so tenderly. It is so calculating. Like he is saying his 'I love you' to me. It melts my heart. All the doubt I felt earlier is slowly fading. Oh, this man.. I love him. I really do.

I smile at him, he smiles back. And I know we're okay.


I woke up with Aiden's voice talking to someone. Over the phone? I am a little disoriented, I can't open my eyes, I didn't make a single move, but my ears are hearing everything. I know that Aiden is not in bed, but still inside my room.

I didn't tend to eavesdrop with his conversation, but I can't help it.

"I will see you soon, okay?" he whisper, probably so he won't wake me. But I am already.

A woman replied on the other line but I can't hear it clearly.

"You don't have to come here, and please don't call me, wait for my call. Alyana is suspecting us already." he said in stern tone-- like the way he talks to me when I did something wrong.

The woman replied again.

"Claudette, listen to me, I will come over next week. I just need to sort things here first. You have to take care of yourself. You should eat."

Claudette.. Oh God, he is going to meet her next week!

He is talking to her like they know each other very well, not the way he talks to his secretary or others' secretary. Who is she?

I didn't hear the rest of his conversation as my brain blinded with pain and jealousy. My heart is beating too loudly in my ears. Everything shuts down around me. Everything is suspended in the air. For me, the time stops at this moment.

After what I think is five minutes, Aiden went back to bed. Lies down beside me and puts his arms around my waist. I still didn't make a move and pretend asleep.

I want to scream in his face that he is a great liar. But I don't have the force to do so. My body is weak and my insides are weaker. My heart is broken.

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