Chapter 18

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"It's not about how long you've been together, it's about the memories you've created together."



We are preparing for Long Beach now, I am drying my hair. And Aiden just got out of the bathroom, smiling like a lunatic to himself. My eyes follow his every movement as he enters the room.

He only has towel around his waist showcasing his bare chest.

My Godness Saturday!

My boyfriend is really edible with or without clothes. Suddenly I want to smirk too. But I put my poker face--giving nothing away.

"What are you smirking for?" I asked as I put down the hair dryer to his vanity table.

"Nothing." he opens his cabinet still smirking.

"I prepared your clothes." I mouth to my side where his clothes are sitting in the chair beside me. He comes closer and leans down to kiss me while still smirking. I want to kick his ass so hard.

"Aiden, you look like an arse. Why are you smirking?" I repeat.

"I shaved, too." he put his pants on while his back is turn to me. He already has boxers on. I feel a little disappointed with that.

"What's so funny with th.."

Oh my! He used the razor I used last night. "You're so kinky Aiden!" I flush. He laughs so loud and turns to face me.

"You have no idea, Ms. Francisco." he murmurs seductively. "Marry me, I'll show it to you in a hundred ways." he whisper into my ears. It sends shivers down my spine. Saturday please me good to me!

"You're using your marketing skills on me, Mr. Adams. I'm not buying it. I suggest, you must try to build another strategic plan." I stand up and smile sweetly at him. He cocks his head to one side and grin like an idiot.

"Well, I got a plan B." he tried to button his shirt but I pry away his hands and do it for him.

After buttoning his shirt I look up at him in serious eyes.

"I think, I want to see your plan B." I tip toe and kiss him squarely on the lips. He responded immediately.

My planned smack kiss turned into a passionate kiss. But he is kissing me differently. Like is pleading or asking for something he really, really wants for all of his life.

Oh my!


After we picked up my suitcase from my apartment, we head to Long Beach. The road is long but I know it's worth it. We've been traveling frequently lately, and I am enjoying every mile of it because I am with Aiden.

But am I ready for marriage?

He bargained with me last night, but I want to think of it carefully. I am still so young, I want us to enjoy this chapter of our relationship first before we tie the knot. What if he eventually gets tired of me after a year of marriage? Where will I pull myself? I know he loves me, but is it enough to last a lifetime?

Suddenly, my phone chirped in my purse that drags me out of my reverie. It's Liam.

"Hello, Liam." I greet.

"Hi, I am coming over next week, and you can't say no. Okay?"

"Okay, where are you?" I asked Liam.

I chance a glance at Aiden, his hands are gripping the stirring wheel tightly, his jaw is a little tense and his eyes are in deeper blue looking ahead of his car.

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