Chapter 36

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"If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me."




It's our last day in Siargo Island, a place well known for surfing and other water activities in the Philippines.

Aiden and I had made some ways to see each other at night-- when everyone was asleep we sneak out of our rooms. But we don't do it just to have sex-- well partly.

Anyway, we sneak out to talk, one time at the shore, at the pub and at the night party where there were women doing fire dancing and there was a bon fire. He took me to a fancy restaurant to dine and celebrate. It feels like we are back to where we stop before. But this time I know, it's different, I know this time, it'll never end. Well, I hope.

I am fixing my hair, when a knock brings me to the now.

"Come in."

"Can I take my lovely lady to an early dinner?" Aiden said. He's smiling but his eyes are anxious, nervous, worried even.

What's wrong?

He's wearing white shirt, and I am wearing a white dress.

Watta coincidence.

"Compliments from a man of few romantic words." I said. Pushing the thought at the back of my head. I smile at him, and I think he relaxes a bit

"Just stating what my eyes can see."

"Let's go?" I shake my head while smiling. Sometimes he's really cheesy.

I learnt that Aiden never really learn to call anyone with endearments. Actually he never did to anyone, ever. It's fine with me, because I think it will shock the hell out of me if he will one day. It was so un-Aiden like.

He takes me to the shore, where some of my relatives are dipping in the water and some are surfing. Restaurants are few meters away from here.

I smile, this is one of my dream come true, to be with them in a vacation. I'm so damn happy that one by one I am accomplishing my goals.

The man holding my hands seems to get more anxious. His fingers are cold--he's nervous.

I look at him, he looks down at me and smiles tightly.


"Can we watch the sunset for a while? It's breath taking, don't you think?" he asks looking back at the setting sun.


One by one, my cousins went out of the water and walk to the shore holding their surfing boards. I watched them with a big smile on my face. But something's wrong.

They all piled up in front of me and Aiden; in equal distance with each other. They all seem to just be watching us, but I almost squeak with surprise when Aiden bends on one knee and my cousins turn their surf boards in reverse and make a complete sentence asking "Will you marry me?" in all bold letters written in blue ink.

"Oh my God!" I can't help it. I don't know where I should focus my eyes.

Aiden clears his throat and produces a square box from his pocket. Looking up at me, he opens it.

I gasp, and cover my mouth with my hands. He's offering me a pink diamond engagement ring sitting on a spiral white gold cast. It's so beautiful and when it caught the setting sun's light it shines.

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