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Black goo covers white snow as a man drags himself slowly across the ground. He groans in pain with every slight movement made. The soft crunch of snow was heard from behind him causing him to drag himself quicker along the snow. Goo dripped from his nose and ears slowly filling his mouth with a tart taste. Black boots stop next to him as the pain begins to overwhelm his body. "You see this is what you get for believing you could betray us," she said flipping him onto his back.

"I didn't... I didn't." He wheezed out.

"You didn't what? Betray me once the job was done and laced my drink with cyanide. You didn't coat my blade handles in Wolfsbane hoping it would kill me?" Her brown hair framed her tanned face clearly while her brown eyes searched his for answers. When nothing appeared a smirk appeared over her lips while she let out a huff of mock confusion. "You really thought you could kill me didn't you?"

"I-I'm s-sorry," he spluttered out along with a long string of black goo infested coughs. A chuckle left her lips as she leaned back with her knee's to her chest.

"No you're not, if you were you never would have done it," she said sweetly flicking her hair behind her shoulder. The ring of a phone interrupted their conversation. She reached into her pocket pulling out a black phone before bringing it to her ear. "Yeah?" She answered standing up out of her kneel. "No he's not dead. Withered and pathetic yes, but not dead," her voice came out as mockery and her eyes glinted with malice. "Yeah; ok." She brought the phone away from her ear and held it to his own before saying; "It's for you."

A voice came through the receiver; a hard feminine voice. "Mr PreCody, this is Eliza." Her voice was firm and held authority. "We are very disappointed that you have gone to such measures to make sure no one found out our deal." He tried to wheeze out words but he felt something cold and sharp dig into his neck making him halt in whatever he was saying. "You are to never call us again and if you do...." there was a pause in what she was saying making his heart beat rise increasingly. "Well let's just say your heart will stop." The girl took the phone away from his ear and began walking away with it. "We have a new assignment for you," the woman said clearly but far less deadly to her. "You are to head over to Beacon Hill where you will find Derek Hale. This will be a lot more difficult than any of your other assignments." She smiles hearing the assignment.

"Go ahead." She replies.

"You're going to kill an Alpha."


Hey guys! So this is the prologue to my book Alpha Hunt (well obviously). The story will be following the show but will have little bits when she is getting more involved with the characters. I'm not going to say anything about the book but the actress is Nina Dobrev.

Anyway keep reading and all constructive criticism is welcome. Hope you liked it. xx


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