1.10 Train Wreck

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"So how's your history project going?" Allison asked as the two girls walked down the hall. Miya had met up with Allison in the library doing maths after she had left Scott and Stiles to sort out what seemed to be not only Scott's anger issues but Stiles as well. Scrunching up her face in annoyance a loud groan left Miya's lips.

"You mean where it's not going." She replied adjusting her bag on her shoulder as they walked down the hall way to economics. "I can't find out anything on my family's history and Derek's never around to tell me anything."

"Wait, isn't he like; your legal guardian?"

"Yep," she replied popping the 'p'. Heading into economics Allison was determined to sit behind Scott so she could speak with him. Watching as Stiles and Scott walked in Miya lean't over to her. "Hurry, before Stiles takes the seat." Smiling at Miya, Allison raced over towards the seat that Stiles had now chucked his leg onto. Walking along the same aisle that Stiles was and pushed his leg to motion him to move. struggling to get his leg out, Stiles eyes threw knives at her as she kept nudging him with the tips of her fingers. Let's just say heading into Economics brought her mood down a few levels. So once he sat down Miya gave him a pat on the back in comfort as she passed to the seat behind.

"Hey." Allison said attempting to start the conversation she had been trying to start all day. "I haven't seen you all day."

"Yeah, uh, I've been super busy." He said shaking slightly looking back and forth between Stiles and Allison. Amused by how it was playing out Miya placed her arms on the table and rested her head on them.

"When do you get your phone fixed I feel like totally disconnected with you?"

"Uh, soon... real soon." He replied shakily. In her seat Miya chuckled as she watched Scott shake slightly from the tension and pressure. Honestly she knew she was supposed to be helping Scott but Miya was close with Allison and if it wasn't for the lifestyles she lived she might even call Allison a friend. But for now they were close and after what Scott had put Allison through today Miya was going to indulge in every bead of sweat and stress that exuded off of him.

Watching as Stiles turned around in his chair he playfully glared at her. "You really need to stop enjoying this so much. It's a train wreck." He whispered.

"But it;s funny watching him squirm; especially after what he's put Allison through today."

"You know hat is because of your boss right?"

"Yes, but how many times have either of you actually listened to him?" She asked smirking at Stiles from her seat knowing she had won. Stiles went to shoot something back but instead closed his mouth shut with a defeated look. Miya just laughed shaking her head at him.

The slamming of a book alerted Stiles to glance back at the board while Miya bolted up straight in her seat. "Let's start with a quick summary of last nights reading. Greenburg put your hand down everyone knows you did the reading." One of the many reasons Miya preferred coach out of many teachers; he gave sass to the annoying students. "How bout, uh, McCall?"

Let's just say Miya was ready to jump for joy when she wasn't called. She'd done the reading, Miya just didn't understand it enough to actually summarize it.

"Huh?" Scott stumbled out lost.

"The reading," Coach deadpanned watching Scott with extreme annoyance.

"Lasts nights reading?"

"How about the reading of the Gettysburg address?"

"What?" Scott asked bewildered.

"That's sarcasm. You familiar with the term sarcasm McCall?" Coach asked with an annoyed smile.

Turning around Scott peered at Stiles who now sat with an extremely large smile, knowing that he was the one to give him a good daily dose of sarcasm everyday. "Very."

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