1.18 Loving the fear

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Bustling up the stairs to his room, Stiles hadn't expected to see another figure resting on his bed. Her head was hung over looking at the ground, but he knew it was her. However, after coming home to find all of her clothes gone he hadn't expected her to come back. "What are you doing here?" He sniffed wiping around her eyes.

"Was she nice?" She whispered loud enough for him to hear, but he could hear the hesitance in her voice. It was as if she was scared he would snap at her or break once the words uttered to came to full light.


"Your mum... was she nice?" Stiles' eyes dodged to the ground as he made his way slowly to where she now sat on his bed. Her heart lodged in the back of her throat. She didn't know why she came, coming could possibly mean his death; but she needed him. She needed to be in his presence or see him smile at her; reassuring her that everything was going to be ok. Most of all she wanted him to know the real reason she was doing what Peter and Derek told her to.

Noticing his hesitance she quickly piped up; the nerve running like electricity through her. "I-I mean, I wasn't listening in... I wasn't meaning to, I swear; but I heard your dad say something about your mum and-"

"No, no it's alright." Stiles reassured her placing his hand over her own. Feeling her hand under his own calmed him, reminded him to stay grounded and not become overly emotional. "Yeah, she was Beautiful, inspiring, reliable... she was the best mum I knew." He tried to smile the best he could but the feelings were overflowing from the bottle and Miya knew they were.

"You know, you don't have to hide it from me." a smile beginning to fade onto her face as she watched him look up at her in confusion.

"Hide what?"

"Whatever it is your feeling," she began. "I know I'm not the best person to talk to about these things but you can." The disbelief that he held was clear on his face as he stared at the brunette who sat waiting in case he felt the need. Tears slowly escaped the tight clutch he held over them and cascaded down his cheeks.

"He just never talks about her... ever." He started throwing his hands up at the, ever."Her hands made gentle circles on his hand as she listened. A gentle reassurance but it ultimately was making him feel calmer. "He did say that he missed her and it just make me feel worse since I got him drunk." He began getting frustrated, standing up and beginning to pace around the room. Miya could tell it was destroying him from the inside but he needed to let it all out.

"I know... I know I'm going to the lowest point in hell! I'm scum! I'm worthless!" That was when Miya thought it was time for her to stop him. None of it was true and the way he was beating himself up wasn't worth any of it. Standing up she wrapped her arms around him from behind, her own tears soaking the back of his shirt.

"Don't say that. Don't you ever think that you're worthless or scum." She whispered tucking her head into his neck. She could hear his heartbeat descending from the rapid beating it was to the gentle thumps of his regular. Turning him around so that they were now facing each other, Miya held Stiles' face in her hands, as her thumb rubbed gentle circles into his cheeks.

"You are one of the primary reasons Scott has gotten this far. Without you he probably would have died the day before I got here." He chuckled at that, a slight glint in his eyes appearing as he watched her; her own face applied with a gentle smile. Her voice turned into a gentle whisper; "Without you, I probably would have died in the school and after Kate shot me." Their faces were inches from each other's as she continued. "Without your helpful, funny, inappropriately timed sarcastic comments; when I came to Beacon Hills my little ass wouldn't have gotten this far."

Stiles chuckled at her comment, after remembering what he had called her the first time he offered to tutor her.

"So you listen to me Stiles Stilinski; you are not worthless. Especially not to your dad, to Scott, to Allison, to Lydia and especially not to me." Her smile never ceased as she stared completely into his hazel eyes that brought joy to her own. Their breaths were mingled as he leaned into her hands, the comfort and warmth that she supplied just being around him was enough to keep him going; to keep him from tearing himself apart on the inside. Placing his hands gently on her waist, he noticed her eyes flickering down to his lips as his own did the same; pulling her forward he pressed his lips against hers.

That small kiss was enough to spark a fire that ignited the rest of her body and it was no different for Stiles. It was slow, it was passionate, it was everything he had dreamed it would have been. He loved the was she was hesitant as if it was her first and how one of her hands rested delicately on his chest. He loved the way she smelt of the woods mixed with a tinge of lemon; and yet no matter if she had been surrounded by a fire, the scent still remained. Stiles wished he could have done this somewhere nicer than his bedroom but it was the sudden decision and opportunity that had arisen, he had to take it.

They were cut short however as Stiles' phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Pulling away slowly they remained close, their heavy breathes mingling as each still attempted to become full conscious of the world around them. Her dark brown eyes opened to meet his own embers as a faint smile floated over his face. Her hand slinked into his pocket pulling out his phone.

"It's probably Scott." Her voice barely whispered as her eyes refused to leave his. As stiles answered the phone his eyes went wide slightly and he was forced to turn around and grab his jacket. However, as he turned around Miya was gone, and his window was left wide open. An aggravated sigh left his lips uncontrollably as he examined his room.

"No, no, Scott; I'm on my way." He answered turning the phone off before running his hand through his hair.

Miya however, was running; still running. Her thoughts churning over and over in her head as she tried to escape; tried to free herself from the confusion of the sudden rush of emotions. She had never felt like this and her heart thumping the way it was only happened in the midst of battle and yet it felt utterly different to all those other times. It made her heart flutter with joy; she wanted to feel his lips against her own once more. Yet it all terrified her; the pounding, the fluttering, it was all so new and strange.

But she loved the fear.




So I'm coming into holidays again so there maybe a couple of chapters coming out early as I am getting really close to the end of season 1.

This chapter was hard to write as I was debating whether or not to have the kiss in this chapter or not and then I decided a new way of writing and keeping the original idea I had.

Also guys this book has hit 1.3K and 60 votes! I am so happy with this turn out as I haven't been writing for that long, but it is still extraordinary. 

So I hope you enjoy not only this chapter but the next few chapters before I start writing season 2.

EH xx

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