1.9 Blue's pretty

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When Miya walked into school that day she was beyond pissed. She had been tracking the Alpha the night before while Derek was trying to teach Scott control, but somehow Scott still got in her way.

"I'm going to be teaching Scott tonight so you're going to be on your own." Derek stated walking down the stairs to Miya who was waiting patiently by the door. He opened up the door heading towards the Camaro.

"Fine by me, I can track better when I'm alone," she replied walking out behind him. "I've got a hunch where he'll be tonight."


"Even with werewolves you can smell whether it's a he or a she," Miya sighed maneuvering her hair so that it was up in a ponytail. "I'll report in if I get him." Stepping onto her bike she kicked the holder up, started the engine and drove down the hill towards the midway point of Scott's and Allison's.

After checking out Scott's place and realizing it was a dead end she headed to Allison's. From recent information she had gathered, Miya realized that the Alpha was not only circling around Scott but also the Argent's home. Although in Miya's mind this was unusual and had no real point in the movement she went along with it; as any lead was better than no lead at all.

Sitting atop the roof across from the Argent's, Miya knew about 10 minutes in that she would be seeing the Alpha here tonight. Why? Because 10 minutes into her wait she saw Scott enter the Argent's house through Allison's window. The only thing she couldn't comprehend was how long she would have to wait.

By 20 minutes in Miya was in desperate need of a stretch; which came luckily enough as a dark shadow placed itself in the bushes next to the Argent's house. So making sure she was unable to be spotted, Miya climbed down from the roof; making sure she couldn't be heard, she began her journey towards the other side. The worst of luck hit through when she hit the ground; Allison's window began to open and out jumped Scott.onto the driveway.

Obviously hearing something he turned and looked towards the bushes obviously not knowing what was actually standing in the bushes. He began talking to the Alpha like it was natural, until no reply was heard. With his heart beating rapidly and the alpha right on his heals Scott made a dash towards his own car. Knowing the Alpha wasn't going to hurt him, Miya stayed in her place watching every move both Scott and the alpha made. Scott threw himself into the car as the alpha paced around it so that he ended up on the driver's side.

Beginning to do something to the window Miya jumped up from her position and began to chase. Pulling out one of her knives, she flung it at the retreating form. A loud cry of pain erupted from the wolf as it stared up at the moon. Turning around to look at her it growled baring its long sharp teeth before launching itself into a run on all fours. Not bothering to check if Scott was alright Miya began to sprint after it.


It may seem to many that Scott is actually giving her valuable information to work with on finding the alpha, and that was true; but the main problem was that he was always getting in the way. She could drag the alpha out by using him as bait but he always chose the wrong times to make himself noticed. Last night being a prime example; as he just had to jump out of the window when Miya was going to capture him and finally finish the assignment. She wanted out of Beacon Hills, out of the drama, out of the school and out of all the emotions she was suddenly feeling.

So when she walked into homeroom and sat next to Danny and Lydia she absentmindedly dropped her bag onto the desk with a rather large bang. Danny being the person who didn't like to pry, just looked at her rather confused until Lydia decided something had to be said; "What's got you so annoyed?"

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