1.22 Breaking the Rules

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"Please Chloe, I just need you to do this." Miya had been on the phone for 5 minutes, explaining things to Chloe; the agency's equipment and technical specialist. Since they got back to Stiles' Miya had been on the phone trying to convince her.

"Miya, this is against all the rules." She exaggerated, her voice rising. Miya knew it was against the rules what she was asking Chloe to do and especially what she was attempting to do; but she wanted more time. More time to figure out properly how she felt; but honestly she just wanted more time with Stiles to figure out whatever she was feeling.

"I know Chloe, but it's worth it," she sighed running her fingers over her scalp. Stiles knew she was stressed and anxious about whether or not Chloe would help them. "Chloe tell me one time you have actually been or done what the agency has told you to do."


"No, Chloe. I know the punishment and I was going to be receiving it whether I came back now or later. So I want to spend as much time here as possible; it's worth it..." Miya turned around to see Stiles smiling at her from his bed; etching a smile onto her own face. "he's worth it," She mumbled into the phone.

On the other end Chloe's blue eyes had widened, with her mouth still sitting agape. Miya had just said 'he's worth it.' No agent had ever tried what she was attempting to pull off and yet it was all for a boy. Sighing Chloe pushed her glasses up and looked back at her computer; "Is he really?"

Smiling Miya's eyes softened. "Absolutely."

Heaving out a grunt Chloe threw her blonde hair into a ponytail before beginning an extensive amount of typing on to her computer. "You are so lucky I love you." Chloe grumbled out.

"I don't think you've ever said that before." Miya laughed, now leaning against Stiles' desk.

"Yeah, well get used to it, because I do." Chloe sighed as she finished typing making sure everything was ok. "There you go. You've probably got about 1-2 months before they figure out you're not in China. Good luck."

Hanging up the phone, a broad smile was laced upon her face. Stiles stood up walking over to her; "She's buying us some time."

"We'll find a way." He smiled pressing a kiss to her forehead. "So what exactly is the punishment for creating a bond on a mission?" Stiles asked crossing his arms over his chest. Pushing herself so she sat on his desk, Miya motioned for Stiles to sit in his desk chair. Before leaving the Hale house she had thrown her clothes into Stiles' Jeep, as she hopped she would be staying longer. She had gotten changed out of her dress as it was covered in dirt. 

"The punishment for creating a bond with someone is a mind wipe." Miya started trying to find the right words to explain what happened. "I've only seen a few agents who have gone through the mind wipe, and you can just tell their missing something." She said coming to an almost whisper. Stiles lean't forward listening to her intently. "The worst part is they know that certain part will never be filled, or can't be filled." She snapped back to look at him again.

"The agency automatically prohibits any return to the city or country that the bond was made; just to make sure there is no chance of the bond being recreated." She softened, Miya knew this would be her in two months, she would never be allowed to go back to Beacon Hills and she would forever have those hokes where her friends were supposed to be.

Wheeling his chair closer, so that he now sat in front of her face. Moving his hand so that it moved her hair with it, Stiles placed his hand against her face. "I won't let them." He reassured her, standing up to gently kiss her.

It was a gentle kiss, making her feel better about the situation. Smiling through the kiss Miya felt as if she was being transported to another planet. Another planet where none of these worries could impact her or where the agency could never get her, and it felt amazing; because only Stiles was able to make her feel this way. This was what Chloe meant when she asked if Stiles was really worth it; but from this she could tell he was and always would be worth it.

Lydia had once told her that what felt for Stiles was love. She never knew what love was so she wasn't really sure if this was, but if it was she adored the feeling he gave her. She wanted to feel this way for the rest of her life and she wanted to feel it from him.

Neither realised when Stiles' dad had returned; neither especially paid attention when the door closed or footsteps were heard up the staircase. They were too enveloped in the sensation that was each other. Stiles' dad's cough though diverted their attention from each other as he stood in the door way, an eyebrow raised. Miya sat still on the desk smiling at the sheriff as Stiles stumbled over his words in a flustered state, The sheriff just smiled at the two before walking down the hall. Stiles however, ran out the door trying to somewhat explain.

Flicking on her phone Miya realized the time, deciding it was best she headed off. "Where you going?" Stiles asked as she descended the staircase.

"I'm collecting my bike, before heading over to check on Lydia. I'll meet you there." She smiled walking back up to him and placing  a quick kiss on his lips.

Although she was happy now Miya knew things were going to get harder, the memory wipe would eventually come for her and she didn't want Stiles to suffer along with her.



So this is the last chapter of season 1 and part 1. I've started writing the next season already and hopefully everyone enjoys what I have in plan for the battle for Miya and Stiles to stay together.

As many of you may have noticed I chose Chloe to be played by Emily Bett Rickards who plays Felicity Smoak in Arrow. I've watched a few seasons of Arrow and when I first thought of the character that Chloe would be Emily really fit that description and thought process I had.

On a side note this book has now officially hit 1.6k reads and is now over 100 VOTES!!!! Thank you so much to everyone that has been reading this book and taking the journey with me as I aim to complete the book. I love all of you so much.


EH xx

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