2.2 Liver?

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"She ate the liver?" Scott asked Stiles and Miya as they entered school the next morning. They had eventually gone into the Hale House to search for Lydia; even after Miya had searched the tunnels twice. No such luck though, and the thought of leaving the girl to run around in the woods naked and alone, made her skin crawl.

"No, I didn't say she ate it; I just said it was missing." Stiles argued. "Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body."

"I never ate anyone's liver." Scott chuckled.

"Yeah, cause when it comes to werewolves, you're a real model of self-control." Stiles sassed, turning to point at her as she raised an eyebrow and bit the inside of her cheek, staring at the finger now placed in front of her. "Actually, wait - hold on." He stopped abruptly, spinning to face the werewolf boy. "You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to you."

"What do you mean?"

"What were you drawn to?" Miya simplified.

"Allison." He sighed.

'Of course.' Miya thought rolling her eyes as Scott provided little to no help.

"Nothing else? Seriously?" Stiles asked clearly growing frustrated by the lack of response he was getting from Scott.

"Nothing else mattered..." Scott shrugged. "What about you?" He asked Miya as she stood silently confused. "You were changing the last full moon, what were you drawn to?" Miya's eyes glanced between the two teens as they stared at her.

"The person I knew that could help me." She stated simply shrugging her shoulders. She wasn't going to give either of them the answer they were looking for. Her heart hammered in her chest as they attempted to prompt her answer. Miya's eyes glanced up at Stiles as she remained quietly standing in her position. Her grip on the books she clutched to her chest grew tighter.

Stiles' eyes grew wider as he finally caught onto what she was hinting at. The last time she had a problem during the full moon, the brunette had ended up at Scott's place, knowing Stiles was going to be there to help him. Scott's eyes flickered between the two as they stared at each other shyly.

"Ok, anyway - this is good; the night Lydia was bit, she was with you?" Miya's lips straightened as Stiles shook his head frantically. "What?"

"Lydia, used it as a way to get us together." Stiles sighed running a hand through his hair as Miya lent her head down in annoyance. Scot's eyes flickered between them a smile enveloping his face as he stared at the two in front of him. He had been waiting for a while for them to finally admit the growing tension between them. The only thing was that it may have come at the wrong time.

"I think she may have been looking for Jackson." Miya confirmed looking back at them. She smiled at the two before placing her hand on Stiles' arm in a comforting goodbye and leaving to find Allison. She didn't miss the comment Scott made though congratulating Stiles on finally getting the girl.


Although she had never been made to do or attempt Chemistry through the Agency, surprisingly Miya found this the easiest subject at Beacon Hills High; although Harris didn't make it any easier or better to try and adapt. Especially when he announced a pop quiz, in-particularly that day. The only thing she knew was that at least she wouldn't have to put up with a lecture on her grades with the principle from this teacher as well.

"This is a pop quiz, Mr Stilinski. If I hear your voice again I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career."

"Can you do that?" Stiles mocked.

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