1.11 Half limp

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Nothing slipped from the mouths of Scott and Stiles as they scampered and stumbled their way into the school. Heavy breathes only echoed in the main entrance as the two front doors slammed shut leaving not only a psychotic alpha outside but possibly a dead werewolf and a dead supernatural agent. "Lock it!" Scott yells in a panic.

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles asks rhetorically.

"Grab something!"


"Anything!" Scott replies spastically. Outside the bolt cutter lay just at the bottom of the stairs as if placed there strategically. Staring out at the bolt cutters then back at Scott as his breathing became erratic, Stiles knew exactly what was needed to be done. Looking out at the bolt cutters as well Scott understands exactly what is going through Stiles' head. "No, no. Stiles!" Cut off Scott watches desperately as Stiles makes his way out the door. Taking small, quiet steps down the stairs Stiles' eyes dart frantically around to make sure that the Alpha was nowhere in sight. Reaching the cutters Stiles turned his back believing that the alpha was now stalking around another part of the school. It was soon abolished though as the alpha stalked out from behind Stiles'Jeep. Scott began to frantically thrash against the door slamming his fists against it to get his attention and for Stiles to run as the certain boy decided to steal a glance at the powerful alpha. Clutching the bolt cutters in his hands Stiles turned to make a quick getaway to the school hoping the alpha would be just that tad slow so he could arrive in that small sense of safety. Just as he got in through the doors though a long loud howl in anguish pierced the alpha's lips. Turning around with the bolt cutters wedged between the door handles both boys peered outside to see a small dagger sitting by the Jeep smothered in hilt to tip in deep crimson red blood.

"She's alive."


Dragging herself along the roof of the school, now with no weapon to help protect her Miya was now dragging herself along the tiled roof towards the southeast corridor; a trail of black goo marking her path. Her breathing was labored as she stopped and gripped onto her back with the other hand. Her face scrunching from the agony she spat out the black goo that clogged her throat. This however didn't do anything as it just built up again this time quicker. The sound of glass shattering from a large force made Miya's head snap back towards the front of the school. Letting out a loud groan Miya stared straight ahead determined to make it to the south east corridor window.


"Anything?" Stiles questioned watching as Scott glanced through the window. Shaking his head Scott edged his way to his feet. "Move now?"

"Move now," Scott agreed helping Stiles to his feet so they could search for a way out. Making their way out the classroom, Stiles shone the light around the dark empty corridor. The lockers lit up from the sudden illumination of the torch. Unsure of the where exactly to go, Scott made a split second decision and turned to his right whispering; "This way."

"Somewhere without windows," Stiles said pulling Scott back to face him. Honestly both by now were terrified and both knew neither was going to make a great decision; but they both knew Stiles was right.

"This whole building has windows!" Scott replied harshly throwing his hands around.

"Yeah, so... less windows." Stiles replied as if he had just said that.

"Locker room," shaking his head Stiles gave Scott a brief yeah, before they both took off towards the locker room. Their footsteps echoing through the hallway alerting not only to the alpha but to where Miya could find them.


Making it to the southeast corridor Miya now had to find a way into the building without the alpha noticing. Pushing herself into an upright position Miya began slowly pushing herself down towards the edge if the roof. The echoing of fast paced footsteps close by caused Miya to let out a sigh of relief that both Scott and Stiles was alive. However the scream that seemed to vibrate every molecule in her body only mere minutes ago did not leave Miya feeling exactly pleasant.

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