1.5 She's no Lydia

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The halls of Beacon Hills High were always empty during first period; except for the few students with free periods. This implied to Miya as se sat by her locker reading through her economics textbook. By her second week Miya knew she was way out of her league when it came to being normal. Miya wasn't taught to act like a teenage; it was always to act sophisticated as possible - as the targets were always higher class. But being a teenager was different; you had certain ways you had to act, certain things you had to do and not to mention the school work.

Most of the stuff they taught in schools Miya had already learnt but somethings - like economics - were completely foreign to her. Miya found it hard enough trying to track the alpha let alone keeping up with the homework.

Leaning her head back against the lockers Miya let out a long length sigh. It was starting to confuse the hell out of her and the teacher wasn't very sympathetic either. "You know it isn't very hard to understand." A soft voice said from above her. She opened her eyes slightly to the sight of a red and black plaid shirt. She looked up further to find Stiles standing there with a sympathetic look.

"Tell that to the 15 years of mercenary training," she sassed running her hand through her hair. Her hair was down in its natural wavy locks but she still grabbed her hair tie from her wrist and proceeded to put her hair up. "I can read, write, do math... bloody hell I can speak 14 different languages!" Miya practically yelled throwing her hands over her head. She sighed again pulling her hands down and letting her head flop down. "I can do more things then a human... or even a werewolf can do." She began murmuring before throwing her hands up again. "So why the hell can't I do economics?" Her frustration was beyond peeking point and nothing at the moment could bring it down.

The sound of movement next to her caused Miya to sheepishly look up from the floor. "Well all that's pretty impressive, but now you're a teenager and all of that's practically thrown out the drain. So how about I show your little mercenary ass how to understand economics, ok?" Stiles took hold of Miya's textbook before taking his own out of his backpack and placing it out in front of them. Miya's eyes went wide for a moment.

"Thought you didn't like me?" She asked highly confused at the sudden change of attitude.

"No, what I don't like is how you and Derek are always threatening me and Scott." He said flicking though his notes. "Ok, how about we start with last week's notes."


"So... you and Stiles?" The bell had gone just as Stiles had finished teaching Miya about the Economic System. It wasn't too bad; he only made a few sarcastic comments during the lesson - some of which actually made Miya laugh. He offered to tutor her more, to which she humbly agreed to before heading to Math's.

Now sitting next to Allison she was being subjected to a total interrogation about what had happened. "He was tutoring me on economics. I'm just not understanding it completely," Miya shrugged it off as she didn't look up from her assignment on the digestive system of a frog. She could feel Allison's stare on her the entire time.

"Nothing happened? Are you serious?" Miya looked over at the shambling girl, eyebrows raised. He didn't even try to kiss you or... anything?" Miya's eyes widened. Why the hell would she think Stiles would try and kiss her?

"Alli look; we're friends... not even friends, acquaintances. There is nothing going on." Allison raised her eyebrows to the point where it could get confused with her hair line. "Nothing's going on."

Little did Miya know, the exact same conversation was going on between Scott and Stiles during chemistry. "Dude what were you and Miya talking about?" Scott asked as he pretended to read the passage on States of Matter.

"I was tutoring her, she doesn't understand economics." He replied flatly. Silently hoping Scott would bring up a werewolf problem.

"Yeah but you two looked pretty close." Scott hinted. Scott knew Stiles had the biggest crush on Lydia but he also couldn't help see the way he looked at Miya as he walked out of class. Stiles scoffed flicking over the page.

"Yeah, she's pretty but she's no Lydia. Come on Scott I thought you knew me better." Stiles gave him an 'isn't it obvious' look before continuing on with the chapter. "On the other hand; have you hear anything from Derek?"


Walking out of Biology after school Lydia decided she would meet Allison and Miya at Miya's locker. The halls were crowded and Miya literally had to shove people so she could get though. This was another thing Miya hated about high school; you had to push your way through to get anywhere.

When they finally reached Miya's locker Lydia stood rapidly tapping her foot with her arms crossed. "There you are," she huffed. "I've been waiting there for 5 minutes." Miya rolled her eyes smiling as Lydia exaggerated how long she had stood waiting. Taking a quick sip of water, shoving her homework into her bag and throwing her bag over her shoulder Miya shut her locker. She followed the other two down the hall towards the exit as Lydia began to talk again. "So I was thinking we could all go out after school. I was thinking we get you some makeup; and show you how to really make those eyes pop." Lydia said dreamily including opening her palms in a popping gesture. Miya didn't know how to react. No one had ever offered to teach her simple girly things let alone buy her makeup. Her mouth just bobbed open then closed without any actual words leaving her mouth.

Walking out the of the build Miya followed Allison over to her car. "Lydia maybe another night-"

"No. You are always saying 'maybe another night' but not today. We are going to the mall, I will buy you makeup, we will go back to Allison's and we will show you how to apply makeup properly." Lydia said taking small steps toward Miya with every word. "So get your little butt in Allison's car and I'll get Jackson to drop me off." She walked off straight away and Miya couldn't help look back at her butt.

"That's the 2nd person whose told me to get my little butt somewhere. Is my butt really that small." Allison gaped at her before cracking into giggles.


Ok this took a little while to write. I had major writers block and then I went between going with the next episode and writing a more intimate chapter and then that kept going back and forth for a couple days. As you can tell I went with intimate. I wanted to show that Stiles wasn't completely against her, that Allison and Miya had a semi close friendship forming and that Lydia did think of her as a friend.

Again sorry about grammar and how long it took to update. But I will try and post something soon to make up for it. xx

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