1.14 Tense Air

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"Hey Miya, can we talk for a sec?" Scott asked gruffly staring down the girl as she held her black bag on her shoulder. She gave a brief nod, smiled at Lydia then followed Scott into Coaches office. The anger and built up rage radiated off Scott's body as she sat herself down on coaches desk starting their talk.

"If this is about the full moon and control, I'm going to be absolutely no help at the moment." She began; running a hand through her already messy hair waiting for Scott to talk about his problems.

"Just I need to... uh... ask you something." He began shutting the door behind him. "Do you... do you know if Allison still likes me?" He asked looking up at her with his big puppy dog eyes.

Honestly this kid was driving her up the wall but at this moment in time, him looking at her like that actually made Miya feel sorry for him. He had just lost the one girl that had made him feel whole and although she had no idea how that felt it actually made her feel sorry for him.

"Of course she still like you, she'll always like you," Miya began looking him in the eye. She knew her next words would break him but he needed to hear; somehow she knew that if he kept pushing the way he was to get Allison back the more she would back away and the more time she would need to get over the feeling of betrayal she held at this point in time. "But she needs space." He broke the gaze he had with her to look at the ground. "She needs sometime, just being friends."


Sighing Miya continued; "Honestly Scott, I don't know what happened that night but I don't think she needed to break up with you over it." He looked back up at her as she begun talking. "I know you risked your life going out there to get those keys and if you didn't, Derek and I would probably be dead right now. So honestly I think she should at least be semi grateful." Miya finished closing her eyes and leaning her hand over.

"Are you grateful?" Scott's voice came off harder than before. Miya didn't even recognize the harder tone as she was more preoccupied with the thumping headache that made her skull feel as if it was about to explode.

"Isn't that what I just said?" She groaned looking up at the boy, but without warning her lips were soon covered by another's lips... Scott's lips.  Miya's head spun as Scott continued to forcibly kiss her. His hands running over her back as his lips tried to make her move. It felt wrong, and unlike the tiny spark that appeared when Stiles had kissed her, this one with Scott made her feel disgusting and feel sicker than she already did.

"Pushing the boy away his eyes glowed a faint yellow and the whiff of lust intoxicated the air. Slight pants were the only sound that surrounded them as Miya grabbed her bag from the floor; as it had fallen during the scuffle. She placed in on her shoulder before opening the door and slamming it behind her as she left.

"Stupid idiot!"


Sitting down on the bleachers next to Lydia, Miya dropped her bag scaring the strawberry blonde and causing her eyes to snap in the brunettes direction. "Someone's in a bad mood." Lydia said in a low mutter. Only receiving a low grunt she stared at her oddly, "Talk with Scott didn't go so well."

"The talk with Scott made me want to punch him in the face." The hiss that later left Lydia's mouth caused Miya  to flinch in pain. "Try not to do that in my ear Lyds."

Looking closer at the girl, the strawberry blonde grabbed hold of the assassins chin turning her head to look directly at her. Her eyes were brown but not irritated and red but she was on edge and sensitive. "Are you on drugs?" Lydia asked in a high pitch as she questioned the girl. Staring incredulously at her, Miya's mouth dropped open like a goldfish.

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