2.1 Strawberry Blonde Dilemma

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Miya's feet tapped repeatedly against the hospital floor, as she stood leaning against the door frame. Lydia's father had told her numerous times she could leave but every time Lydia had looked at her; as if begging that she didn't leave her alone with him.

Lydia had awoken two days after the attack and since then she had refused to let Miya leave her alone with her parents. In Lydia's words; they were being over bearing, over protective and plain freaky. Due to the fact that neither had been in the same room let alone the same building since the divorce. Which was another reason Kydia preferred taying with her mother; she was slightly less over bearing.

Lydia had spent the entire weekend asking for her clothes and after the rant Miya had received from Lydia about leaving her alone with her father, Miya had asked Stiles to get some of the other things for her.

A smirk littered Miya's lips as she stepped away from the door to place the balloon Stiles had bought for Lydia next to her bed.

"Did he bring the clothes?"

"He bought everything you asked for Lyds," Miya assured her sitting on the bed and leaning back. Her mind was still tangled in webs as she stressed over the events that had happened over the weekend. Derek was now the Alpha and there was no reason for her to be there. Yes, Chloe had bought them more time but there was this constant nagging feeling that remained in the back of her mind.

"I'm gonna go have a shower." She muttered getting herself out of bed. Miya couldn't help but chuckle as Mr Martin tried to help her but was instead met with a sassy remark from Lydia about bubble baths. Earning herself a hard glare Miya removed herself from the room where she was met with Stiles lying passed out over the hospital chairs; muttering under his breathe. 

"He's been like that for the past hour." Melissa spoke up approaching the girl as she stared at him. Stiles began smacking his lips together as if he was kissing someone and she couldn't help her lips shifting into a firm line, once she had heard her name uttered out from between his lips. "He's been muttering and making odd sounds for the past 20 minutes; apparently often muttering your name." Melissa smirked, her arms crossed against her chest as the brunette stood beside her.

Melissa could tell something had changed between the two since the winter formal. Just watching the two walking in and out of the hospital over the weekend she could tell Stiles definitely had become more protective over the girl; it made Melissa smile watching the two.

"I'll wake him." She reassured Melissa, moving away towards the seats. Placing herself so that Miya now had her legs against his mid section, Miya began to softly shake him; "Stiles... come on... time to wake up." Miya cooed. Numerous kissing noises left his mouth again as a moan left his lips.

"Mmm...you're dirty." Miya's eyes widened at the words that escaped Stiles' lips. Her cheeks warmed and her head whirled about with the concocted idea's of what he was actually dreaming about.

Miya felt her heart thump from within her rib cage and she couldn't help the smile that appeared over her face. Leaning down Miya cupped his head between her hands, softly pressing her lips against his own.

Feeling the sudden pressure against his lips, Stiles reacted immediately with his eyes flying open. The brunette lean't over him, her eyes closed as she applied gentle pressure. Pulling away Stiles realized he hadn't reacted and pulled her back down; releasing an involuntary squeal from the brunette herself. Stiles chuckled from the kiss applying his own pressure that was harder than her own. Stiles removed a piece of hair from his way as the barrier that had been hiding them from sight was tucked behind her ear. Before she finally pulled away from him.

"Better than a dream?" Miya asked, still in close range of him. Stiles' eyes widened while his cheeks reddened from being caught out. His mouth formed an o as he watched her trying to stifle her laughter.

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