2.4 Inner turmoil

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"So how much trouble did you get into with your dad?" Miya smirked crossing her arms over her chest as she stood next to Stiles. They now stood in the middle of the large group awaiting their turn to climb the wall before them that now held Allison and Scott. Turning to look at her a sarcastic laugh left his lips letting his face fall ever so slightly. "That well huh?" She chuckled.

"Yeah, you could see the disappointment laced in his eyes." He said sadly turning so that he now stood fully in front of her, playing gently with her hands. "How's the full moon go?"

Miya had been gone nearly a whole day trying to train Isaac even the smallest bit of control or strength; especially after the whole fiasco on the moon. Isaac however felt that he didn't need her since she sided with Scott. Hearing this though Miya spent nearly three hours causing as much pain as she could onto Isaac that she knew a hunter would, before walking out at around midnight.

"Spent most of it, taking out all of the wolf's pent up rage on Isaac as he attempted to kill me." She smirked shrugging her shoulders and lifting up her shirt slightly so only Stiles could see the bandage that was across the side of her stomach. "His only good hit." She laughed lightly as stiles fingers gently stroked the bandage.

A sudden yell alerted the two to Scott suddenly plummeting to the ground, eliciting a laugh from not only Stiles and Miya but the entire class. Looking up at Allison above them Miya could see the smirk gracing Allison's face as she looked down at her boyfriend. She winked down at Miya before the brunette leaned against Stiles to hide the laughter bubbling from the hard glare Scott was giving her.

"Moore, Erica, let's go." Giving coach a two fingered salute she smiled at the blonde beside her, heading towards the wall.The blonde looked more nervous than Miya did going through a tunnel by herself. The blondes hair was disheveled and she was completely pale that she was terrified to being forced to do this.

Attaching the harness around her Miya waited for the girl to be ready before beginning her climb. Reaching the top she could suddenly hear the girl below her breathing heavily and rapidly as if having a panic attack. Looking down at the girl she held herself up her eyes closed and slight tears escaping her eyes. Bouncing down the wall Miya stopped herself beside the girl who now clung to the wall.

"Is it Vertigo?" Coach asked from below them.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia stated shrugging her shoulders.

"Lydia!" The brunette hissed down at the strawberry blonde. Realising said girl beside was hyperventilating Miya attempted to talk to her the way Chloe once did. "Hey... Erica is it? You know I'm afriad of small spaces, it's why I ride my bike, even cars sometimes freak me out." She whispered as the girl attempted to look even partly to her.

"I'm fine." She called out around the hall but Miya knew she was trying to convince herself of it.

"You don't have to be, it's ok to be afraid; it's just how you deal with the fear that is what you have to do." She whispered soothingly.

"Erica, just kick off from the wall, there's a mat to catch you." Looking down at the floor Miya gripped onto the girls arm.

"How about we jump together, ok?" She soothed rubbing the girls arm and as the girls turned to her taking a deep breathe the two girls kicked off the wall, Erica remaining with a tight grip around Miya's arm. As they landed on the floor Erica snatched her arm away from the brunette before walking away from the class in the shame.

"How did you do that?" Allison asked stepping beside her with Stiles, Lydia and Scott behind her. She turned around and shrugged;

"I did what I thought was right."

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