1.20 Electricity

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"So I see you made it inside." Miya giggled as Scott sat on the bleachers next to her. He knew she was here to watch over everyone for Peter but he could see the happiness that seemed to be seeping off her as she sat beside him.

"Yeah, you seem rather happy." She smiled over at him, shaking her head as she looked down at her hands. It was all over her, as if she was a completely different person. "You're enjoying yourself, you're just sitting here by yourself, but you're actually enjoying yourself." He laughed shouldering her. Tucking a loose strand behind her ear, she looked up at him giggling slightly.

"I am... I am enjoying myself." He smiled at her. Scott was happy that she enjoying herself and he wanted her to enjoy it as much as possible. If possible he was hoping to get Stiles to actually ask her to dance. Stiles had told Scott about the kiss and that he thought he had made a complete fool of himself, since she had continuously avoided him at Macy's and around school. Scott knew he hadn't though; ever since that night Miya had a sort of glow about her where ever she went. Allison was the first to point it out, when he had overheard her talking about it one day. But Scott couldn't convince Stiles of that, and all stiles did was believe he had to move on from her.

Miya's smile faltered though, when she saw Lydia dragging Stiles by the hand onto the dance floor. She tried hard to cover it up but it was too late, Scott heard her heart skip a beat, whilst also noticed the way her eyes flittered around the dance floor to avoid where they had stopped to dance. Knowing how heartbreak felt Scott placed an arm around her shoulders holding her close as she still attempted to bottle it up.

"You know - "

"McCall!" Coaches voice rung out through the hall as Coach pointed up at him. Startling the two supernaturals, Miya stood up watching as Scott stumbled down the steps and into the crowd to get as much distance between them as possible. In all the hustle Miya had unconsciously made her way down till she now stood on the last step. Miya stood tall in her heels attempting to find Scott in the mass of bodies, unfortunately having no luck until Coach had stopped yelling; instead beginning to stumble over his own words when he saw Scott dancing with Danny.

"I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't - You guys don't think - You don't - I - I was - just dance everybody. Dance! It's a party!" Giggling under her breath Miya's smile returned to her face. That small moment lasted all of about a minute though as she was dragged of the steps and instead thrown across the dance floor.

Stumbling slightly in the heels Miya gripped onto a body in front of her as two arms wrapped around her waist. Looking up Miya's eyes widened as she was met with the familiar embers of Stiles's eyes. Both their mouths bobbed open for a few minutes in confusion before Miya turned to stare back at whoever had thrown her. Lydia stood smiling triumphantly as she watched the two stood there in utter confusion. "You'll thank me later."

With that Lydia left, going back towards the bleachers where Miya once stood. Turning back to look at Stiles, Miya stood gasping at him, her mouth was open as she tried to fabricate something to say to him. Instead though Stiles took her hands like she had done in coach's office and placed them around his neck, as he placed his own on her hips; igniting the same spark she had once felt when they kissed back in his room. Swaying to the beat of the newest song neither set of eyes left the others. A smile slowly made its way onto Miya's face as Stiles' became bigger.

He had hoped earlier to ask her to the formal but when Allison asked him to take Lydia he though he might still have some feelings for Lydia. But when he had picked her up he knew those feelings were basically extinguished from his system. However, when Lydia had dragged him onto the dance floor, she had immediately told him to remain where he was before taking off.

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