2.19 Last Hurrah

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Miya laid in the sheriff's office, her blood slowly starting to pool around her thighs. With the bullet still deeply embedded in her thigh and the paralytic venom running through her, her healing factor had stopped.

Matt had taken Stiles and Scott away towards the front of the station, to let Melissa into the station. Although her hands were slowly starting to regain feeling and movement it wasn't enough for her to pull the bullet out. Which meant she was of no use to anyone.

But when she felt someone digging into her thigh with their fingertips, she couldn't help the scream that escaped her.

Matt, Stiles and Scott flinched at the sudden blood curdling scream that echoed from the Sheriff's office. Stiles attempted to run towards her to see what was happening with Miya but was stopped by Jackson cutting the back of his neck and paralysing him.

"No! No! I have to help her! Let me help her!" Stiles screamed trying to push through the feeling that had overcome him and get to Miya. Thinking it best to check on the brunette, Matt stepped out of the room and into the sheriff's office. All that could be seen of the girl though was her body lying lifeless against the wooden floor, surrounded by her own blood.

Matt smirked slightly, stepping out of the room and returning to the front. This wasn't what he wanted to happen but if it meant he was getting rid of another variable that could stop him, then he could live with the blood that now stained his hands.

"She didn't make it." He whispered. Stiles eyes began to water, she couldn't be dead. He refused to believe that Miya could be taken down by Jackson or a simple gunshot. Either way Stiles began attempting to fight against the toxin to stand and punch Matt until he was no longer breathing.

Scott stood shocked however, she was the best of the best, she must have been shot numerous times during her career and to be killed from a simple gunshot wound is insane.

"I'm going to kill you!" Stiles yelled, the agony and anger of Miya's death overcoming him.

"Can't see you being able to do much."

"Oh, but I can." Derek cut in.

"Really Derek? Because from where I'm standing your pretty much helpless. It must suck though, to have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck." Matt mocked, crouching down so he could get closer to both Derek and Stiles.

"Still got some teeth. Why don't you get down here a little closer, huh? We'll see how helpless I really am."

"Yeah, bitch." Stiles muttered from his spot beside the werewolf.

The sound and lights of a vehicle approach the window, causing all who were not paralysed to turn.

"Is that her?" Scott's eyes drifted to the floor as he realised that must be his mum finally turning up. "Do what I tell you too and I won't hurt her... I won't even let Jackson near her."

"Scott, don't trust him, not after Miya!" Stiles snapped. Matt slammed his foot against Stiles' throat as he finished; cutting off his airway.

"This work better for ya?" As Stiles gagged from the lack of oxygen a slight crash was heard only by the werewolves from the vent sealed against the wall. Neither Scott nor Derek mentioned it though, only glancing casually at it until two purple eyes glowed from the vent. Only Scoot noticed this, recognising them as Lucille's. She must have come to check up on Miya, and now more than likely was out for revenge against Matt.

"Okay! Just stop!"

"Then do what I tell you to."

"Okay. All right... Stop!" Suddenly Matt's foot lifted from Stiles' throat and as he coughed and gasped for air, Lucille's eyes disappeared from the vent.

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