1.6 Batman or Catwoman

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For most people walking through the woods at night would be a death sentence but for Miya it was a walk in the park. Which quite frankly wasn't as easy as it sounded for Miya. For many it was odd but for others in Miya's trade it was quite normal. Smells began to course through her nose and sounds bounced off the surrounding trees. She had ditched Scott and Derek hours ago due to Scott's inability to shut up. So when Derek turned around to snap at him she fled deeper into the woods.

Bending lower to the ground Miya swirled her hand along the ground for anything that could lead her to the Alpha. Padded thumps alerted her to the east. Tuning into the sound Miya listened closely to how it ran. Padded thumps; 1, 2, 1, 2. Heavy enough to be as big as a bear but light enough to be a wolf. Miya quickly launched herself up onto two legs as she ran east.

Jumping over logs and numerous roots Miya finally made it to a video store parking lot with only one car in it. Taking a deeper whiff, Miya picked up that the wolfs scent was coming from inside the store. Instead of walking in straight through the front door, Miya stalked around the back to sneak through the back door.

"Hello?" A masculine voice called through the store. Keeping undercover like Derek had told her Miya slid down between two shelves, lifting her hood over her head. Due to the sound of footsteps becoming louder Miya rounded herself between another two shelves to separate herself from what she now believed to be the Alpha.

Crawling over to the other side Miya stood ready to pounce on who she believed to now be the Alpha, when she stopped. Standing in front of her was not the alpha and probably would never be an alpha; Jackson.

She couldn't believe how stupid she had been not realising that it was Jackson that stood between the aisles. Slinking back between the aisles the smell of blood wafted through her nose. Following close behind Jackson a sense of danger erupted through her, while the scent of wolf flooded her system. As she stood abruptly Jackson was already stumbling backwards from the horrific sight that lay before him.

Jackson fell back into the ladder causing it to knock the hanging light. Tearing it out of it's place; causing all the light to start flickering. Miya's curiosity won over all as she walked closer to the scene without a care that Jackson would see her. She never did get to see it though as she had dragged Jackson behind a shelf due to the red glowing eyes that appeared out of the dark.

Growls erupted from the Alpha as they both hid. Masking her voice Miya turned to Jackson; "Stay here and don't move." Before he could reply Miya took off. Crawling down the aisle then slipping down the side. Getting onto her feet Miya made her way slowly towards the back of the shop. The Alpha's scent thick in her nose, she knew she had him. However as she reached the second shelf a loud thump echoed around the building and shelves all began to fall. As she attempted to keep going a shelf clipped her foot and dragged her down with it.

A yell echoed from her original position; meaning Jackson had been caught under the shelves, Still attempting to get her foot out from under the shelf she turned to face the way that she knew Jackson was. The Alpha now stood above Jackson leaning down with his claws pointed at his neck. "No!" Miya practically screamed in urgency; dragging her foot out from under the shelf. The Alpha's head snapped back growling at her as she got to her feet.

In urgency the Alpha leapt out of the store through the front window shattering the glass into numerous pieces. The scream of a girl echoed through Miya's ears and there was only one person that Jackson would be with; Lydia. Knowing one of her only friends was in trouble Miya took off as fast as her feet could take her. She jumped out the window and looked around. The Alpha was heading back into the woods as Lydia Marin sat in her car staring out the car window traumatized. Knowing she was safe Miya let out a breath she didn't know she was holding before she took off after the Alpha.

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