2.7 They're coming

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Stiles had suggested that night that Miya stay with him so that she knew that she knew she was in control. That night as Stiles laid flt against his stomach snoring lightly, Miya laid close to his side, her head resting against his shoulder. Her eyes fluttering gently open at the squeaking of footsteps against floor boards.

Sitting up Miya's hair hung from its ponytail trailing down her back, she looked around the room. Looking back at the spastic boy who continued to snore, Miya stepped out of the bed towards the door. The feet were getting closer to the room, but when she opened the door there was nothing there.

A gasp entered the room, causing Miya to snap around at the sudden sound. There stood a cloaked figure standing above Stiles who now sat wide awake in his computer chair, a knife resting against his throat. Miya growled at the figure as a deep chuckle escaped their throat as if they were attempting to mock her. "It's good to see you again Miya." Her voice snapped Miya out of the anger she was in and instead placed her into a state of shock. Her veins ran cold and her eyes widened as her body tensed.

"Lucille." She gritted her teeth as the figure finally removed the hood from their head. Her blonde hair cascaded out of the hood as her indigo eyes glowed from the darkness that surrounded her.

"So this is the reason no one has seen you since the mountains." Her fingers slid down his face; a small pout appearing over her face. "He is quite pretty."

"Stop." She ordered taking a step forward; but Lucille etched the knife closer to his neck, drawing blood from the small cut. Miya's step haltered and she refused to move as her eyes stayed transfixed to his form.

"You do remember what happens when you make a bond?"

"Yes, and I wish people would stop questioning me." She exasperated her eyes transfixed on the blonde assassin. Her expression clearly expressing that she didn't enjoy the girls sass.

"Well, I hope you know that they know everything... and everyone that has kept you here." She giggled slightly kissing the boys jawline; Stiles still fidgeting in his seat. "And they're coming." She let out another giggle before pulling the knife across his neck in one swift movement. Miya's scream echoed around the room as she watched Stiles' body fall limp onto the cold unforgiving ground.

The soft thuds of Lucille's shoes as she walked over to the brunette who sat sobbing on the floor beside Stiles' body. Lucille's footsteps stopped beside Miya as she leant down placing her index finger against the brunette's lips, telling her wordlessly that the hysterical girl wasn't to mention any of what had happened.

Miya awoke screaming from the dream; her body snapping into an upright position as she grasped onto the sheets. She continued to scream as sobs wracked her body, when Stiles gripped onto her; his hands guiding her towards him in a tight embrace. The door swung open as Sheriff Stilinski burst into the room to see the brunette tucked into Stiles' chest sobbing violently with her hands gripping the sheets tight enough that she drew blood from her palms.

Stiles stared up at his dad in shock while her sobs wracked her body, sending violent jerks with every sob. He didn't know what was going on with her and it terrified him. He couldn't help her with anything that was going on until she calmed down and at this rate that wasn't going to happen, her fits were too violent and every time he thought she was calming down the fits seemed to just get worse.


The next day Miya had spent a majority of the day with Allison following her like a lost dog. Without explaining the full details Stiles had convince Allison to keep an eye on Miya. All he had told her was that he was worried about her and that's all it took for Allison to go into full protective mode.

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